Elecampane high

Popular names: devyasil, elecampane Helena, oman.

Elecampane (Inula helenium L.)Perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family (Compositae), up to 250 cm high, with a thick, short, fleshy, many-headed rhizome, from which a few adventitious roots extend. Stem (one or more) erect, furrowed, pubescent with short, dense, white hairs, shortly branched in the upper part. The leaves are alternate, large, unequally toothed, slightly wrinkled above, velvety gray felt below. The flowers are collected in inflorescences (baskets); at the top of the main stem and branches, the baskets form loose brushes or shields. The flowers are golden yellow, with a dirty white tuft of hairs. The fruit is a tetrahedral brown achene with a tuft twice the size of the achene. Blossoms in July – September, fruits ripen in August – October. Propagated by seeds and root suckers. Distributed in the Caucasus, Central Asia, forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of the CIS and Western Siberia. It grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, in wet meadows, in places where groundwater comes out, among shrubs, in deciduous forests, along the outskirts of villages (like wild). Dioscorides, Pliny. This plant was used in the practice of Avicenna. Pliny wrote that elecampane grew out of the tears of Helen, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose abduction by Paris, according to legend, caused the Trojan War. It should be noted that it was in the roots of elecampane that inulin was discovered as a chemical substance in 1804. As you know, inulin is recommended for patients with diabetes instead of sugar and starch. in wet meadows, in places where groundwater comes out, among shrubs, in deciduous forests, along the outskirts of villages (like wild). This plant was used in the practice of Avicenna. Pliny wrote that elecampane grew out of the tears of Helen, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose abduction by Paris, according to legend, caused the Trojan War. It should be noted that it was in the roots of elecampane that inulin was discovered as a chemical substance in 1804. As you know, inulin is recommended for patients with diabetes instead of sugar and starch. in wet meadows, in places where groundwater comes out, among shrubs, in deciduous forests, along the outskirts of villages (like wild). This plant was used in the practice of Avicenna. Pliny wrote that elecampane grew out of the tears of Helen, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose abduction by Paris, according to legend, caused the Trojan War. It should be noted that it was in the roots of elecampane that inulin was discovered as a chemical substance in 1804. As you know, inulin is recommended for patients with diabetes instead of sugar and starch. which were widely used in their time by doctors of the era of Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Pliny. This plant was used in the practice of Avicenna. Pliny wrote that elecampane grew out of the tears of Helen, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose abduction by Paris, according to legend, caused the Trojan War. It should be noted that it was in the roots of elecampane that inulin was discovered as a chemical substance in 1804. As you know, inulin is recommended for patients with diabetes instead of sugar and starch. which were widely used in their time by doctors of the era of Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Pliny. This plant was used in the practice of Avicenna. Pliny wrote that elecampane grew out of the tears of Helen, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose abduction by Paris, according to legend, caused the Trojan War. It should be noted that it was in the roots of elecampane that inulin was discovered as a chemical substance in 1804. As you know, inulin is recommended for patients with diabetes instead of sugar and starch.


For medicinal purposes, rhizomes and roots of elecampane, collected in the second year of life, are used. Collect the entire underground part of the plant in August – September or early spring, when the first leaves are found. When collecting raw materials, they dig up the root system within a radius of 20 cm from the stem to a depth of 30 cm and, holding the stem, pull out the rhizome along with the roots from the soil, trying not to break off the thick roots. To renew the thickets, at least one fruit-bearing plant per 10 m 2 is left untouched.. In addition, when exploiting natural thickets of high elecampane, it will be necessary to observe the following rules: at one place, harvest once every 5 years, while leaving up to 30% of the seed plants to renew the species. The excavated raw materials are shaken off the soil, quickly washed in water, the remains of the stems are cut off at the base and discarded, thin roots are removed. Rhizomes and thick roots are cut lengthwise into pieces 10-15 cm long, 1-2 cm thick. Damaged by pests and blackened parts of the roots and rhizomes are discarded. under a canopy. Then they are dried in warm, well-ventilated rooms or in dryers at a raw material heating temperature of no higher than 40 ° C, spreading out in a thin layer (not thicker than 5 cm). If the raw materials were not dried before being loaded into the heat dryer, the initial drying temperature must not exceed 30-35°C (with strong ventilation). It is not necessary to dry whole roots and rhizomes, and also raise the temperature above 50 ° C, since under these conditions the raw material is steamed and darkens. In good weather, it can be dried in the sun, spread on a tarp in a thin layer and covered after sunset. The end of drying is determined by the fragility of the roots. The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years. Dried roots are gray-brown on the outside, yellowish-white on the cut with brownish shiny dots – receptacles of essential oil. The smell of raw materials is peculiar, fragrant, the taste is spicy, bitter. Raw materials harvested untimely in the spring, when large leaves grow or stems are found, contain flabby rhizomes and roots, and with slow drying of the timely collected raw materials, its natural color changes.


The plant has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect, improves appetite, reduces intestinal peristalsis, and reduces the secretion of gastric juice. Traditional medicine, in addition, notes the diuretic and antihelminthic properties of elecampane rhizomes. It is believed that the main biologically active substance of elecampane is alantolactone and its accompanying essential oil terpenoids.


Rhizomes. Decoction – for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis (with all this, sputum production is reduced, health improves, cough calms down); diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis with increased secretion, enterocolitis, diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin, in the absence of appetite); liver diseases; also for skin diseases (with eczema, neurodermatitis and other dermatosis, in cases where the skin allergic process is combined with bronchial asthma or helminthic invasion) and difficult to heal wounds (without getting wet). In folk medicine – with helminthic invasion, painful and irregular menstruation, anemia, kidney disease, hemorrhoids, diabetes, dropsy. Infusion – for inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, tracheitis, colds, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids and as a blood purifier for all kinds of skin diseases. Decoction – for diseases of the lungs, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, hypertension; externally in the form of rinses – with inflammatory processes of the throat and oral cavity; in the form of baths and washings – for skin diseases. Ointment – for eczema and itching of the skin. Juice – for coughs and bronchial asthma. Tincture – for malaria. Essence from fresh roots and rhizomes is used in homeopathy. In Bulgarian folk medicine, tincture is used for palpitations, headaches, epilepsy, whooping cough. The rhizomes and roots of elecampane are part of expectorant, stomachic, diuretic preparations. cholecystitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, hypertension; externally in the form of rinses – with inflammatory processes of the throat and oral cavity; in the form of baths and washings – for skin diseases. Ointment – for eczema and itching of the skin. Juice – for coughs and bronchial asthma. Tincture – for malaria. Essence from fresh roots and rhizomes is used in homeopathy. In Bulgarian folk medicine, tincture is used for palpitations, headaches, epilepsy, whooping cough. The rhizomes and roots of elecampane are part of expectorant, stomachic, diuretic preparations. cholecystitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, hypertension; externally in the form of rinses – with inflammatory processes of the throat and oral cavity; in the form of baths and washings – for skin diseases. Ointment – for eczema and itching of the skin. Juice – for coughs and bronchial asthma. Tincture – for malaria. Essence from fresh roots and rhizomes is used in homeopathy. In Bulgarian folk medicine, tincture is used for palpitations, headaches, epilepsy, whooping cough. The rhizomes and roots of elecampane are part of expectorant, stomachic, diuretic preparations. Ointment – for eczema and itching of the skin. Juice – for coughs and bronchial asthma. Tincture – for malaria. Essence from fresh roots and rhizomes is used in homeopathy. In Bulgarian folk medicine, tincture is used for palpitations, headaches, epilepsy, whooping cough. The rhizomes and roots of elecampane are part of expectorant, stomachic, diuretic preparations. Ointment – for eczema and itching of the skin. Juice – for coughs and bronchial asthma. Tincture – for malaria. Essence from fresh roots and rhizomes is used in homeopathy. In Bulgarian folk medicine, tincture is used for palpitations, headaches, epilepsy, whooping cough. The rhizomes and roots of elecampane are part of expectorant, stomachic, diuretic preparations.


A decoction of rhizomes and roots of elecampane (Decoctum rhizoma et radix Inulae helenii): 16 g (1 tablespoon) of the raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, poured into 200 ml of hot boiled water, covered with a lid and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) with frequent stirring 30 min, cooled at room temperature for 10 min, the remaining raw material is squeezed out. The volume of the resulting broth is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take in the form of heat 1/2 cup 2-3 times every day for 1 hour before meals. You can add honey or jam to taste. Allanton (Allantonum) – a product from the roots of high elecampane, containing the amount of sesquiterpene lactones. Grayish-yellow mass of soft texture, bitter taste, with a slight aromatic odor. Insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol. Allanton enhances blood circulation in the gastric mucosa, accelerates the healing process of ulcers, increases the amount of bound hydrochloric acid and reduces the content of pepsin, which has a positive effect on the course of the disease. The drug increases appetite, promotes weight gain, especially in debilitated patients. Applied with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Assign 1 tablet 3-4 times every day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment traditionally lasts 4-6 weeks, with slowly cicatrizing ulcers – 8 weeks. At the same time, other antiulcer products can be prescribed. In the first days of treatment, increased pain in the stomach, heartburn is likely. These phenomena usually go away on their own. In case of allergic reactions, stop taking the product. Produced in the form of tablets of 0.1 g, 100 pcs. in a pack. ♦ Juice from rhizomes and roots of elecampane, mixed with honey (1:1), is taken for coughs and bronchial asthma. ♦ Infusion of roots and rhizomes of elecampane: 20 g of raw materials are infused in 400 ml of chilled boiled water for 8 hours. Take 1/2 cup 4 times every day 30 minutes before meals.♦ Decoction of roots and rhizomes of elecampane: 100 g of fresh raw materials are poured into 1 liter of water, boiled for 4 hours, then filtered. Apply in the form of baths and washings for skin diseases.♦ Tincture of roots and rhizomes of elecampane. Tincture on alcohol or vodka (1:10) is taken 15-20 drops 3 times every day. In case of duodenal ulcer, drink 1 tablespoon of tincture and then take 2-3 tablespoons of lard. roots and rhizomes of elecampane: cooked in small portions on unsalted pork fat. Store in the refrigerator, as under normal conditions it quickly goes rancid. To prepare it, 1 tablespoon of chopped raw materials and 4-5 tablespoons of bacon are boiled for 15 minutes and filtered hot through a dense cloth. The affected areas are lubricated once a day until the condition improves, then they are washed with a warm decoction of the root for several days. CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Elecampane is not recommended for use in severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and pregnancy. It should be remembered that high elecampane products can only be used as directed by a doctor. In case of an overdose, symptoms of poisoning may appear. * Feeding elecampane to a horse at a dose of 4.2 kg, to a sheep – 1.8 kg leads to the death of animals. Symptoms of poisoning: salivation, general weakness, unsteadiness,


A blue dye for fabrics is obtained from rhizomes and roots (the infusion is mixed with potassium carbonate or potassium alkali). Rhizomes are used in the alcoholic beverage industry for tinting and flavoring wines, and serve as raw materials for preserving confectionery. It can be used as a spice, as a substitute for ginger. In Kazakh folk veterinary medicine, glanders in horses were treated with rhizome. Honey plant. Decorative. Garden forms of elecampane are used for planting and decorating wet places in parks, forest parks, along highways and railways.


The most suitable for cultivation are well-cultivated, nutrient-rich loose loamy and sandy loamy soils, with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction and a powerful humus horizon. Any vegetable crops can be the predecessor of elecampane. After harvesting the predecessor, the plot is loosened to a depth of 4-6 cm, provoking the appearance of weeds, and when they germinate, they are dug up to a depth of 25-28 cm. A plantation is laid in autumn (September) or spring (May). When sown in autumn, freshly harvested seeds are used without prior preparation, and when sown next spring, they will need to be stratified. Seeds are sown in an ordinary way, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, with row spacing of 50-70 cm. After 2-3 weeks, after the emergence of elecampane seedlings, loosening, weeding and thinning of plants are carried out.2 ) and superphosphate (20-30 g per 1 m 2). Potassium salt (10-15 g) is added a little later. Elecampane plants respond well to nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium supplements, but react negatively (even when planting) to the introduction of fresh, unrotted manure. In the first year of life, plants develop a rosette of basal leaves. Starting from June of the following year, the tops of the stems are systematically cut off from plants grown for medicinal raw materials, preventing them from blooming, thereby stimulating a more intensive growth of the root mass. Harvesting material for propagation is carried out when digging up rhizomes in autumn or early spring. Thick roots are used as raw materials, and thin ones, with a diameter of 0.8-1.0 cm, are used for planting material. On a previously prepared site, they are placed in holes 5-7 cm deep, watered and sprinkled with earth.


Soup-puree from green peas with elecampane.

Canned green peas (100 g) warm up in their own juice, wipe through a sieve. Shredded carrots (30 g) and parsley root (20 g) are sautéed and also rubbed through a sieve. Mix everything, dip in hot salted meat broth or water (500 ml), bring to a boil, add elecampane roots (20 g) passed through a meat grinder, season with flour (20 g) browned with onions (25 g), diluted with cream to the consistency of sour cream and cook for 2-3 minutes. Before serving, put butter, dill and parsley on a plate.

Soup with elecampane.

In meat broth (400 ml) add potatoes (30 g), carrots (20 g), onions (10 g), dill (3 g), parsley root (5 g) and elecampane (40 g). Cook until done. Season with buckwheat or oatmeal, salt (to taste). Serve with sour cream (10 g).

Porridge with elecampane.

You can cook porridge from different cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, wheat, both in milk and in water. 10-15 minutes before readiness, add elecampane roots passed through a meat grinder (50-70 g per 1 serving).

Compote with elecampane.

When preparing compotes from any fruits and berries (300-400 g), add crushed fresh roots (50 g) or powder (10 g) from dried roots of elecampane, sugar, citric acid (1 g) to water (1 l) and cook in sealed container until done.

Kissel with elecampane.

Boil elecampane roots (20 g) in water (1 l) until softened, drain, add cranberry juice or other berries (200 ml), sugar (to taste), starch diluted in cold water and bring to a boil.

Drink with elecampane.

Pass fresh elecampane roots (300 g) through a meat grinder, cook in a sealed container (1 liter of water) for 20-30 minutes, strain, add cranberry juice (200 ml), sugar or honey to the broth.