GAVILATE CITY (Geum urbanum L.) Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes and grass of urban gravilate. Rhizomes are harvested in autumn or early spring before flowering, and grass at the beginning of flowering plants. Dry in well-ventilated rooms or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 45°C. The shelf life of rhizomes is 3 years, herbs 1 year. The rhizome smells and tastes like cloves. Store in a tightly sealed container, as if stored incorrectly, the smell disappears.


Preparations of rhizomes with the roots of urban gravilate have astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound healing and antimicrobial properties. In addition, they found antimalarial, diaphoretic and restorative action.


Rhizomes. Used in homeopathy. In folk medicine, infusion, decoction, powder – for catarrh of the stomach, dysentery, colitis of various etiologies, vomiting, intestinal colic, flatulence, neurosis, cholecystitis, nephritis, cystitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, cough, C-avitaminosis, periodontal disease, catarrhal, hypertrophic, ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis and stomatitis, helminthiasis; stimulates the contraction of the myometrium, enhances potency; also as a hemostatic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, diaphoretic, antimalarial, tonic; baths – with scrofula, rickets. Rhizomes, aerial part. In folk medicine, infusion – for gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the liver, kidneys, dry cough. Aerial part. In folk medicine, decoction – for malaria, diarrhea, cough, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis; powder as a wound healing agent. Flowers. In folk medicine, it is used for gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases, malaria, as a hemostatic, tonic. Show antiviral activity.


♦ Infusion of herbs and rhizomes of urban gravilate: 10 g of crushed raw materials are infused in 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos for 2 hours. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times every day. ml of water 30 min. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times every day.♦ Decoction of the rhizomes of urban gravilate: 15 g of raw materials are boiled in 200 ml of water for 30 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times daily before meals.


Rhizomes (as a possible substitute for imported cloves) are used as a spice. Seasonings for meat, fish, vegetable, cereal dishes are made from them. Spicy seasoning is put into the dough for flavoring, brewed like tea. The rhizome is added to beer, kvass and other drinks to give a special taste, to prevent souring. An infusion of dry rhizomes together with orange peel gives white wine a vermouth taste. Suitable for tanning leather. The wool is dyed a reddish-greenish color. From them you can get black and red-brown paint. In folk medicine, it is used when blood appears in the urine of cattle. The young leaves are suitable for salads, soups and purees. The plant exhibits insecticidal properties. Feed for sheep, pigs, horses. Honey plant.


Sowing is carried out in April – early May. The seeds are very small, so for better distribution when sowing, they are mixed with sand. Shoots are found in 20-25 days. When thinning, a distance of 25-30 cm is left between plants. Row spacing should be at least 70 cm. Plant care is reduced to keeping the soil in a loose and weed-free state. If organic fertilizers were applied under the predecessor (the best – vegetable crops), then during the growing season of urban gravilate, it is enough to add mineral top dressing: 20-30 g of superphosphate, 10-15 g of potassium salt and 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m 2. Reproduction dividing the bush and planting can be carried out in spring – early May or autumn – early September.


Seasoning from the rhizomes of gravilat.

Grind dried rhizomes. Use the powder as a spicy seasoning (10-15 g per serving) for first and second courses, sauces, gravy. Store in a dark glass container in a dry place.

Gravity salad.

Rinse young leaves and stems (50 g) thoroughly, blanch for 5 minutes, drain in a colander, then chop together with green onions (50 g), add chopped hard-boiled egg (1 pc.), salt (to taste). Dress the salad with sour cream (mayonnaise, tomato sauce) (25 g), sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Meat salad with gravel.

Dice boiled or fried meat (50 g), boiled potatoes (30 g), fresh and pickled cucumbers (30 g each), hard-boiled egg (1 pc.), Add canned peas (20 g), chopped gravel leaves (50 d) and green onions (20 g), salt (to taste). Mix everything, season with sour cream or mayonnaise (25 g), sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Gravilat salad with onions.

Finely chop young gravilate leaves (50 g) and green onions (50 g), salt (to taste), season with sour cream or mayonnaise (25 g), garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs (1 pc.).

Salad of vegetables with gravel.

Cut fresh tomatoes and cucumbers (60 g each), add chopped gravilate leaves (40 g), green onions (30 g), salt (to taste) and mix. Dress the salad with sour cream (mayonnaise, vegetable oil) (25 g), decorate with slices of hard-boiled eggs (1 pc.), Parsley and dill.

Vinaigrette with gravel.

Boiled beets (50 g), carrots (50 g), potatoes (50 g) and pickles (40 g) cut into cubes, add chopped green onions (25 g) and gravilata leaves (50 g), salt (to taste), mix. Fill with vegetable oil (50 g).

Soup with rhizome gravilata.

Boil potatoes (150 g), onions (20 g), carrots (30 g), parsley root (20 g) in salted meat broth or water (500 ml). 5 minutes before readiness, put the chopped rhizome of gravilata (10 g). Sprinkle with dill and parsley before serving.

Shchi green with gravel.

Celery roots (10 g), parsley (10 g), carrots (50 g), onions (50 g) chop, sauté until soft (50-70 g vegetable oil), put in salted broth (500 ml) and cook 10 min. Then add sorrel (100 g), blanched gravilate greens (40 g), salt (to taste) and cook until tender. Before serving, put on a plate circles of hard-boiled eggs (1 pc.), Sour cream (25 g) and sprinkle with dill.

Refrigerator in Minsk with gravel.

Boil sorrel (100 g) in salted water, add slices of pickled beets (100 g), a little marinade, chopped gravilate greens (40 g) and bring to a boil. Cool down. Grind the onion (25 g) with the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, salt, add chopped protein, kefir (200 ml), pieces of fresh cucumber (150 g), sugar (to taste). Mix everything, put in a cold place. Before serving, season with sour cream (25 g), sprinkle with parsley and dill.

Bits with gravel.

Thoroughly mix ground beef (400 g) and chopped gravilata greens (150 g), add finely chopped onion (50 g), raw egg, salt, pepper (everything to taste). From the mass, form meatballs, breaded in flour and fry in vegetable oil (75 g).

Fish stewed with gravel.

Cut fish fillet (250 g) into portions, sprinkle with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fry in vegetable oil (50-75 g). Sprinkle fish with gravilata greens (50 g), pour white sauce (150 g), simmer until cooked. . Cool the sauce a little, add butter (50 g), salt (to taste), citric acid (1 g), egg yolk mashed with a small amount of sauce and mix thoroughly.

Potatoes with gravel and mushrooms.

Potatoes (200 g) boiled or fried. Boil fresh mushrooms (150 g) in salted water until half cooked, drain, cut and simmer over low heat. A few minutes before readiness, add gravilat (50 g), browned onions (50 g, vegetable oil 100 g), potatoes. Sprinkle with dill and parsley before serving.

Drink from rhizomes of gravilata.

Purely washed rhizomes (50 g) pass through a meat grinder, pour water (1 l), bring to a boil, add sugar (50 g) and leave for 3-4 hours. Drink chilled.