Popular names: blekota, night blindness, furiously, dope-grass, dope.

BLACK HELLEN (Hyoscyamus niger L.)Biennial winter, rarely annual plant of the nightshade family (Solo-naceae), with a thick, fleshy, taproot. The plant emits a heavy, unpleasant odor; covered with soft, sticky, glandular hairs. The stem is straight, branched, up to 115 cm in height. The leaves are alternate, grayish-green, lighter below, notched-pinnatically incised, the lower ones are petiolate, stem and upper ones are sessile. The flowers are quite large (2-3 cm long), in dense leafy curls. Corolla wide-funnel-shaped, slightly irregular, dirty yellowish-whitish, with purple network of veins. The fruit is a pitcher-shaped 2-cell box, expanded downwards, with a lid opening at the top. Seeds numerous, brownish-gray, small, up to 1.5 mm long. The mass of 1000 seeds is 0.5-0.9 g. It blooms from June to October, the fruits ripen in August – September. It reproduces only by seed (one plant produces about 10 thousand seeds). Distributed in the south and in the middle zone of the European part of the CIS, in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia. It grows as a weed in yards, near fences, walls of buildings, as well as a weed in vegetable gardens, less often in fields. The plant is poisonous (especially seeds)! Since ancient times, henbane has been known as one of the most poisonous plants. Avicenna wrote more than 1000 years ago: “Herbane is a poison that causes insanity, deprives memory and causes suffocation and demonic possession.” The property of henbane to cause hallucinations was used in the Middle Ages as part of the “witch ointment”, where it was included along with belladonna fruit extract. The ancient Balts had a special group of warrior-servants of the wolf god who went into battle after drinking the drink of henbane. During the battle, such warriors considered themselves wolves. According to legend, wolf warriors were so ferocious that they did not need weapons and killed enemies with their shields. There was such a military trick before. Leaving their battle camp, the commanders left the enemy a supply of wine, having previously mixed henbane into it. The enemy occupied an abandoned camp, pounced on wine and, intoxicated, fell asleep. And those who retreated returned and slaughtered the sleeping enemy. In the Middle Ages, henbane seeds were widely used in Germany to enhance the intoxicating effect of drinks. The names of many German cities come from the word “belsen” – henbane, hence the name “Pilsen beer”. But so numerous were cases of poisoning with henbane beer that the government forbade adding henbane seeds to beer. Leaving their battle camp, the commanders left the enemy a supply of wine, having previously mixed henbane into it. The enemy occupied an abandoned camp, pounced on wine and, intoxicated, fell asleep. And those who retreated returned and slaughtered the sleeping enemy. In the Middle Ages, henbane seeds were widely used in Germany to enhance the intoxicating effect of drinks. The names of many German cities come from the word “belsen” – henbane, hence the name “Pilsen beer”. But so numerous were cases of poisoning with henbane beer that the government forbade adding henbane seeds to beer. Leaving their battle camp, the commanders left the enemy a supply of wine, having previously mixed henbane into it. The enemy occupied an abandoned camp, pounced on wine and, intoxicated, fell asleep. And those who retreated returned and slaughtered the sleeping enemy. In the Middle Ages, henbane seeds were widely used in Germany to enhance the intoxicating effect of drinks. The names of many German cities come from the word “belsen” – henbane, hence the name “Pilsen beer”. But so numerous were cases of poisoning with henbane beer that the government forbade adding henbane seeds to beer. In the Middle Ages, henbane seeds were widely used in Germany to enhance the intoxicating effect of drinks. The names of many German cities come from the word “belsen” – henbane, hence the name “Pilsen beer”. But so numerous were cases of poisoning with henbane beer that the government forbade adding henbane seeds to beer. In the Middle Ages, henbane seeds were widely used in Germany to enhance the intoxicating effect of drinks. The names of many German cities come from the word “belsen” – henbane, hence the name “Pilsen beer”. But so numerous were cases of poisoning with henbane beer that the government forbade adding henbane seeds to beer.


For medicinal purposes, henbane leaves are used, and to obtain an extract – grass (the tops of plants along with leaves and flowers). The lower rosette leaves of plants of the first year of life are harvested in autumn, and the stem leaves of plants of the second year of life – during the flowering period. Harvest raw henbane black only in dry weather. Dry without delay in attics with good ventilation or under a canopy, spreading out in a thin layer, periodically turning over. In good weather, the raw material dries out in 5-7 days. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. The smell of raw materials is weak, peculiar, aggravated by soaking.


Black henbane preparations have a peripheral m-anticholinergic effect associated with the presence of tropane alkaloids in the plant. The drugs reduce or stop spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestines, biliary and urinary tract, to a lesser extent act on the smooth muscles of the bronchi. They inhibit the separation of lacrimal fluid, saliva, mucus and gastric juice. Depending on the content of scopolamine in raw materials, its effect on the central nervous system is ambiguous. With the predominance of the content of this alkaloid, the plant often has a sedative effect, inhibits the processes of excitation in the motor zone of the cortex.


In Mongolian – used for anthrax, erysipelas, diphtheria, smallpox. In homeopathy, essence (from a fresh plant) is used for manic-depressive psychoses, convulsions, nervous tics, neurosis and stuttering in babies, convulsive and reflex cough, visual disturbances, nymphomania. In folk medicine – sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic for parkinsonism, neuralgia, nymphomania, convulsions, headaches, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, nervous tics, hysteria, bladder spasms, dysuretic phenomena, algomenorrhea, menopause, bile stone disease, rheumatism. Extract – for malignant neoplasms. In Bashkortastan – detoxification for bites of rabid animals. Roots. Broth – with rabies, hematuria; externally – with abscesses, rheumatism. Above-ground part. In Tibetan medicine – with helminthiasis and pediculosis. In folk medicine, a decoction (in the form of baths) – for rheumatism, sciatica. Decoction (in milk) inside and out – with furunculosis. Leaves. Extract – antispastic and analgesic in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Included in the products “Astmatin”, “Astmatol” and anti-asthmatic collection used in bronchial asthma. “Bleached oil” (vegetable oil extract) is part of saliniment, capsin and complex liniment for rubbing as a local anesthetic for neuralgia, rheumatism. In obstetric and gynecological practice, extract and oil – for dysmenorrhea, vaginismus, muscle spasms of the cervix, rectum, urethra. In Mongolian medicine, powder (inside and out) – for skin and venereal diseases, scabies, eczema, ringworm, syphilis; as an anthelmintic. In folk medicine – for headaches, nervous excitement, hysteria, parkinsonism, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, stomach cramps, bladder, dysuretic phenomena, algomenorrhea, in menopause. Fresh, juice externally (applications, poultices) – for arthralgia, furunculosis, abscesses, dislocations, purulent wounds, tumors, neuralgia of the facial nerve, paralysis. Decoction (in vegetable oil) – for gout, arthralgia, myalgia, furunculosis, respiratory infections, pleurisy, otitis, bruises; ointment, suppositories – with spasms of smooth muscles of the rectum, cervix, urinary tract. Juice, infusion – exhibit antibacterial activity. Hyoscyamine is part of the tablets “Aeron”, used as an antiemetic for the prevention of the treatment of sea and air diseases. Seeds. Official in Denmark France, Portugal. In Indo-Tibetan medicine – for infectious diseases; in Tibetan – antibacterial; with helminthiases, pediculosis. In folk medicine – with bronchopneumonia, respiratory infections, gastritis, colitis, enteritis, nephritis, cystourethritis, convulsions, whooping cough, croup, nervous diseases, headache, insomnia, menorrhagia. Outwardly (crushed) – analgesic for local inflammation, infiltrates, abscesses, tumors; smoke – with toothache. Decoction (in the form of baths) – for colds. Ointment (on sour cream) – with bone tuberculosis. whooping cough, croup, nervous diseases, headache, insomnia, menorrhagia. Outwardly (crushed) – analgesic for local inflammation, infiltrates, abscesses, tumors; smoke – with toothache. Decoction (in the form of baths) – for colds. Ointment (on sour cream) – with bone tuberculosis. whooping cough, croup, nervous diseases, headache, insomnia, menorrhagia. Outwardly (crushed) – analgesic for local inflammation, infiltrates, abscesses, tumors; smoke – with toothache. Decoction (in the form of baths) – for colds. Ointment (on sour cream) – with bone tuberculosis.


Dry henbane extract (Extractum Hyoscyami siccum) is prescribed at 0.02-0.05 g per dose. Higher doses for adults: single 0.1 g, daily 0.3 g. Bleached oil (Oleum Hyoscyami). It consists (in parts): dried coarsely ground henbane leaves 100, alcohol 95% or 70% and sufficient amount of ammonia solution, sunflower oil 1000. It is a transparent brownish-green oily liquid with a peculiar smell. Applied externally for rubbing with rheumatism and neuralgia. Tablets “Aeron” (Tabulettae Aeronum) contain camphor-acid scopolamine 0.0001 g and camphor-acid hyoscyamine 0.0004 g. Used for the prevention and treatment of sea and air diseases, as well as to prevent and relief of attacks of Meniere’s disease. Sometimes they are used to reduce mucus and salivation during plastic surgery on the face and during operations on the upper respiratory tract. In case of air and sea sickness, tablets are prescribed orally: 1-2 tablets are taken prophylactically 30-60 minutes before departure, and later, if necessary, after 6 hours, another tablet. If Aeron was not used prophylactically, then at the first signs of the disease (nausea, dizziness, headache) take 1-2 tablets, then give one tablet 2 times every day. Higher doses for adults: single – 2 tablets, daily – 4 tablets. When using aeron, thirst, dry mouth and throat are possible. Drinking and caffeine are prescribed to alleviate this condition. Aeron is CONTRAINDICATED in patients suffering from glaucoma. Available in packs of 10 tablets. Asthmatin (Asthmatinum) – see. prophylactically 30-60 minutes before departure, take 1-2 tablets, and later, if necessary, after 6 hours – one more tablet. If Aeron was not used prophylactically, then at the first signs of the disease (nausea, dizziness, headache) take 1-2 tablets, then give one tablet 2 times every day. Higher doses for adults: single – 2 tablets, daily – 4 tablets. When using aeron, thirst, dry mouth and throat are possible. Drinking and caffeine are prescribed to alleviate this condition. Aeron is CONTRAINDICATED in patients suffering from glaucoma. Available in packs of 10 tablets. Asthmatin (Asthmatinum) – see. prophylactically 30-60 minutes before departure, take 1-2 tablets, and later, if necessary, after 6 hours – one more tablet. If Aeron was not used prophylactically, then at the first signs of the disease (nausea, dizziness, headache) take 1-2 tablets, then give one tablet 2 times every day. Higher doses for adults: single – 2 tablets, daily – 4 tablets. When using aeron, thirst, dry mouth and throat are possible. Drinking and caffeine are prescribed to alleviate this condition. Aeron is CONTRAINDICATED in patients suffering from glaucoma. Available in packs of 10 tablets. Asthmatin (Asthmatinum) – see. then at the first signs of the disease (nausea, dizziness, headache) take 1-2 tablets, then give one tablet 2 times every day. Higher doses for adults: single – 2 tablets, daily – 4 tablets. When using aeron, thirst, dry mouth and throat are possible. Drinking and caffeine are prescribed to alleviate this condition. Aeron is CONTRAINDICATED in patients suffering from glaucoma. Available in packs of 10 tablets. Asthmatin (Asthmatinum) – see. then at the first signs of the disease (nausea, dizziness, headache) take 1-2 tablets, then give one tablet 2 times every day. Higher doses for adults: single – 2 tablets, daily – 4 tablets. When using aeron, thirst, dry mouth and throat are possible. Drinking and caffeine are prescribed to alleviate this condition. Aeron is CONTRAINDICATED in patients suffering from glaucoma. Available in packs of 10 tablets. Asthmatin (Asthmatinum) – see.Datura ordinary . Asthmatol (Asthmatolum) – see Datura ordinary . Anti-asthmatic collection – see Datura ordinary.CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: since the plant is very poisonous, its products should be used only as directed and under the supervision of the attending physician. Poisoning with henbane occurs when eating (mainly children) palatable oily seeds (rarely roots and leaves), as well as an overdose of medicinal products. It proceeds according to the type of acute psychosis with hallucinations. Characterized by motor and speech excitation. Dry mouth, intense thirst, difficulty swallowing and urinating, palpitations and tachycardia are noted. As a result of impaired sweating, the temperature rises. There is hyperemia of the skin of the face, dilated pupils, photophobia. In severe forms – respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, death is possible. First aid consists in washing the stomach with a solution of sodium chloride (1 tablespoon per 5-10 liters of water), prescribing activated charcoal, followed by (after 15-20 minutes) washing the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate. With severe weakness, they give strong tea, coffee, apply mustard plasters to the calves.


In veterinary medicine, a decoction and lotion from the leaves – for bruises, wounds, tumors, local inflammatory processes. An aqueous extract of the leaves stains the wool with a bismuth stain in an olive color. Evaporated juice is used to prepare silver-white paint. Insecticide (infusion, decoction, powder) for aphids, spider mites, herbivorous bugs, hawthorn, golden tail, cabbage moth. Seed oil is used in Egypt for burning. Introduced into culture. Cultivated in Western Siberia, the Voronezh region and the Krasnodar Territory. The yield of above-ground mass is 0.8-1.2 t/ha.


Belena prefers fertile, loose, neutral soils. The best predecessors are black fallow, perennial grasses and row crops. Loves moisture, but winters poorly on waterlogged soils. Seeds are sown before winter or in early spring in furrows without incorporation to a depth of 2-3 cm, with a row spacing of 60 cm, after which the soil is rolled. Care is reduced to weeding and loosening.