Pharmacy name: extract made from heartwood – Catechu.
Botanical description. Tree 10-20 m in height, with a powerful, densely leafy crown. Leaves up to 30 cm long, paired – leaflets from 30 to 60 pairs. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in a valky ear. It grows in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Africa, Jamaica.
Active ingredients: mainly tannins of the catechin group and mucus.
Healing action and application. This is an excellent tannin raw material for products for inflammation of the throat and mouth, as well as for various diarrhea.
Legumes – Fabaceae (Leguminosae).
Pharmacy name: extract made from heartwood – Catechu.
Botanical description. Tree 10-20 m in height, with a powerful, densely leafy crown. Leaves up to 30 cm long, paired – leaflets from 30 to 60 pairs. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in a valky ear. It grows in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Africa, Jamaica.
Active ingredients: mainly tannins of the catechin group and mucus.
Healing action and application. This is an excellent tannin raw material for products for inflammation of the throat and mouth, as well as for various diarrhea.