Parts Used: Herb and rhizome.
Pharmacy name: boletus herb – Scrophulariae heiba (formerly: Heiba Scrophulariae), boletus root – Scrophulariae radix (formerly: Radix Scrophulariae).
Botanical description. This perennial plant has an unpleasant odor when fresh. From the tuberous thickened rhizome, sometimes branching, tetrahedral bare stem, from 50 to 100 cm in height, departs. Oppositely arranged ovate leaves with a serrated edge taper towards the apex. Spherical dirty yellow-brown flowers are collected in a loose terminal panicle. Blooms in June – August. Common throughout Europe; found on damp soils, in shrubs and along the banks of streams.
Collection and preparation. The grass is harvested in June – July, giving preference to the upper parts. Dry in the shade in the air. It is more expedient to dig out rhizomes in the early spring. Having freed them from the earth adhering to them, they quickly but carefully dry them.
Active ingredients: saponins, flavonol glycosides, cardiac glycosides, organic acids, alkaloid and harpagoid.
Healing action and application. Modern scientific medicine does not use the norichnik, but in folk it is used like a tricolor violet. But most of all, norichnik is suitable for the treatment of various skin diseases.
My special advice. Some skin diseases are amenable to external treatment, such as acne and some eczematous rashes on the skin of the face. Try to use tea from boletus. o Boletus tea: 1 teaspoon of crushed boletus herb is poured into 1/4 liter of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes and filtered. If necessary, drink 2 times every day in small sips of a cup of tea. The course is from 4 to 8 weeks. In most cases, the skin condition improves. A mixture of herbs of boletus and violet tricolor in equal parts is also reliable (preparation as described above).
Use in homeopathy. The homeopathic remedy Scrophularia nodosa in dilutions from D 1 to D 1 is used primarily for inflammation of the lymphatic glands, eczema, warts and liver diseases. Sometimes it is also used for urinary retention.
Application in folk medicine. Folk medicine draws its knowledge from the herbalists of the Middle Ages. Hieronymus Bock and Leonart Fuchs are the most famous names. Norichnik is recommended by them against diseases of the skin, glands and tumors, also from hemorrhoids and urinary retention.
Side effects. If you adhere to the indicated dosage, you should not be afraid of side effects.