Popular names: salad color, capuchins.
Parts Used: Whole plant.
Pharmacy name: nasturtium herb – Tropaeoli herba (formerly: Herba Tropaeoli).
Botanical description.The most characteristic feature of nasturtium is that the plates of its juicy green thyroid-shaped rounded leaves are attached to the petiole in the middle from the underside; such an attachment of the leaf blade to the petiole is very rare in plants. The diameter of the leaves is 3-5 cm, the edge of the leaves is even. All parts of the plant are succulent, orange-red flowers are large and delicate. Blooms from May to autumn. This plant is native to Peru. From there it came to Europe as an ornamental. Here, nasturtium has continued to grow for many centuries in boxes on the balcony and in flower beds. Sometimes the Russian name “nasturtium” should not be confused with the scientific Latin name Nasturtium, which refers to a completely different plant from the cruciferous family. – Approx. transl. it is found as wild, but for medicinal purposes only specially cultivated plants are used.
Collection and preparation. As a drug for teas, nasturtium is not suitable. For the preparation of galenic products, the whole plant is used, mainly in a fresh state. Collected during flowering.
active ingredients. Essential oil (benzyl-mustard) with antibacterial and antifungal activity. Associated substances have not yet been sufficiently studied. Together, they strengthen the body’s defenses.
Healing action and application. At home, in Peru, since ancient times, fresh leaves have been used to treat a variety of wounds, especially infected ones. In later times, we began to use galenic products prepared from this plant for infectious diseases affecting the kidneys and ureters, as well as for bronchitis. In folk medicine, fresh leaves are used as a blood-purifying spring salad and – although not often – as a cooling compress on wounds.
Side effects. If you eat too many leaves in a salad, there may be irritation of the stomach and intestines, as well as the kidneys. The use of prescription galenic products does not lead to side effects, except, perhaps, a decrease in alcohol resistance.