Melissa officinalis

Popular names: bee grass, lady’s happiness, lemon grass, lemon balm, heartfelt joy.

Parts Used: Leaves.

Pharmacy name: Melissa leaf – Melissae folium (formerly: Folia Melissae), lemon balm oil – Melissae aetheroleum (formerly: Oleum Melissae).

Botanical description.This is a perennial plant, the strongly branched stem of which reaches 30-70 cm in height. The leaves are opposite, the stem is tetrahedral, the flowers are traditional for the labiate form, yellowish-white or pure white. They form false whorls in the axils of the upper leaves. Blooms from July (June) to August. Melissa is native to the eastern Mediterranean. In Germany, it does not occur in a wild state; the need for raw materials for pharmaceutical purposes is fully satisfied by cultural plantings. Like peppermint, lemon balm can be successfully grown in gardens. To grow lemon balm in the garden of a small farm, three bushes are enough. Since lemon balm is a perennial plant, it can be propagated by dividing the bush. In early spring, plant bushes in rows 30 cm apart, leaving 40 cm between rows. They need warmth and moist, humus-rich soil. It is good to fertilize lemon balm with mineral fertilizers. If the plant spreads within the main bush with a solid carpet, then everything has been done to care for it. The harvest will be rich. Young tips of branches can be rooted if necessary.

Collection and preparation. The collection of lemon balm leaves (for tea) should be timed to coincide with the flowering of the plant, when the leaves have a particularly pleasant smell and taste. Careful drying (at a temperature not exceeding 40°C) allows you to keep the essential oil in the raw material as much as possible. Melissa essential oil is obtained from the fresh plant by steam distillation.

active ingredients. The most important active ingredient is essential melissa oil, which includes citronellal, citral and caryophyllene. Mineral and tannins, bitterness, and a few flavonoids should also be mentioned.

Healing action and application. First of all, it must be said about the calming effect of lemon balm. Nervous people with increased excitability, who cannot calm down in the evening and often do not fall asleep for a long time, can be recommended a course of treatment with lemon balm tea.

  • Melissa tea: 3 teaspoons of finely chopped lemon balm leaves per cup, pour 1/4 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes under the lid. It would seem that this is too high a dose, but both lemon balm and valerian tea must be darker than traditional tea in order for the sedative (calming) effect to be fully manifested. Drink 3 cups of tea daily. If you add honey, the effect of tea as a sleeping pill is enhanced.

The soothing effect of lemon balm can also have a positive effect on gastric ailments, especially with a “nervous” stomach. Thanks to the sedative components, the antispasmodic (anticonvulsant) and mild carminative (carminative) action of lemon balm is also clearly manifested. Because of all these properties, lemon balm tea is among the alleviating and curative remedies for stomach ailments and diseases of the gallbladder. Essential oil of lemon balm is an integral part of many medicines, of which the alcohol tincture of lemon balm is especially popular. It is used in neuroses of the heart and stomach as a mild sleeping pill, and as an external remedy – as a favorite rubbing. Due to the tonic effect, lemon balm is good to use in the cold season, as it increases and mobilizes the body’s defenses. Alcoholic extract of lemon balm can serve as an excellent home remedy, if not turned into a panacea. The soothing properties of lemon balm are used in the practice of lemon balm baths (there are ready-made extracts for sale, but you can cook them yourself). o Melissa bath: Pour 50-60 g of lemon balm leaves into 1 liter of water, heat to a boil, set aside and strain after 10 minutes. Pour this infusion into a bath filled with water. The German Public Health Service speaks very positively about lemon balm, denies side effects and contraindications; on the standard packaging recipe, nervous disorders of sleep and nervous phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract are named as the area of ​​application, also for stimulating appetite. The soothing properties of lemon balm are used in the practice of lemon balm baths (there are ready-made extracts for sale, but you can cook them yourself). o Melissa bath: Pour 50-60 g of lemon balm leaves into 1 liter of water, heat to a boil, set aside and strain after 10 minutes. Pour this infusion into a bath filled with water. The German Public Health Service speaks very positively about lemon balm, denies side effects and contraindications; on the standard packaging recipe, nervous disorders of sleep and nervous phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract are named as the area of ​​application, also for stimulating appetite. The soothing properties of lemon balm are used in the practice of lemon balm baths (there are ready-made extracts for sale, but you can cook them yourself). o Melissa bath: Pour 50-60 g of lemon balm leaves into 1 liter of water, heat to a boil, set aside and strain after 10 minutes. Pour this infusion into a bath filled with water. The German Public Health Service speaks very positively about lemon balm, denies side effects and contraindications; on the standard packaging recipe, nervous disorders of sleep and nervous phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract are named as the area of ​​application, also for stimulating appetite. The German Public Health Service speaks very positively about lemon balm, denies side effects and contraindications; on the standard packaging recipe, nervous disorders of sleep and nervous phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract are named as the area of ​​application, also for stimulating appetite. The German Public Health Service speaks very positively about lemon balm, denies side effects and contraindications; on the standard packaging recipe, nervous disorders of sleep and nervous phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract are named as the area of ​​application, also for stimulating appetite.

Use as a condiment. Anyone who has a garden plot for growing kitchen greens should think about growing lemon balm. Fresh melissa leaves are a completely unique spice for salads, sauces, vegetable dishes, stews, soups. Add just before serving. Thinly sliced ​​lemon balm leaves are a good seasoning for soft cheese.

Application in folk medicine. Traditional medicine does not always distinguish between lemon balm and peppermint. It happens that they talk about lemon balm, but peppermint is used. But since both plants are close in their mode of action, this confusion does not lead to disastrous results. Melissa is used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, gallbladder, to calm heart neuroses and as a tonic after colds and infectious diseases. Side effects are not to be expected.

Note. Melissa, which was discussed above, is a medicinal lemon balm. In Switzerland, golden lemon balm (Monarda didyma L.) is often used. It has red flowers, originates from South America and is known in Switzerland as a medicinal plant for indigestion and coughs. Golden balm can also be used as a substitute for black tea.