median stem-like parts of the thallus of brown algae (“petioles” of kelp) – Laminaria.
Botanical description. Brown alga with 3-5 “petiole” and leathery palmate leaf-like thalli up to 70 cm in length. It grows in the deep waters of the North Atlantic. Active ingredient: highly swelling mucus.
Application. Previously used in the manufacture of swellable tampons in gynecological and surgical practice.
Brown algae – Phaeophyceae.
Pharmacy name: median stem-like parts of the thallus of brown algae (“petioles” of kelp) – Laminaria.
Botanical description. Brown alga with 3-5 “petiole” and leathery palmate leaf-like thalli up to 70 cm in length. It grows in the deep waters of the North Atlantic. Active ingredient: highly swelling mucus.
Application. Previously used in the manufacture of swellable tampons in gynecological and surgical practice.