Marigolds medicinal – medicinal tips

nagidki likarsky ; popular names – nagidki, nagodki, guesswork, Kponic.


Compositae family – Asteraceae (Compositae).

For therapeutic purposes, inflorescences (baskets) and reed flowers are used.

In the wild, it is found in the Mediterranean states, Central and Southern Europe. In Ukraine, it is cultivated in the state farms of Soyuzlekrasprom in the forest-steppe regions (Poltava, Zhytomyr regions). Widely grown as an ornamental plant in communal floriculture and home gardens, occasionally found as a weed.

Marigold officinalis – an annual herbaceous plant 30-50 cm high. The root is taproot, branched. Stem erect, branched, with longitudinal ribs and stiff hairs. The leaves are alternate, light green, the lower ones are petiolate, up to 13 cm long, obovate with an entire ciliated margin, the upper ones are sessile, oblong, smaller. Inflorescences – baskets with a diameter of 5-6 cm at the ends of stems and branches. Receptacle flat, bare. Involucral leaflets linear, pointed, densely pubescent with short hairs. Marginal flowers reed, 2-3 cm long, pistillate, with single-celled curved ovary, 2-lobed style and flat lanceolate three-toothed yellow-orange or yellow limb. Median flowers are orange, up to 0.5 cm long, tubular, five-toothed, with an underdeveloped pistil and five stamens.

Blooms from June to autumn frosts, fruits ripen from July. Along with simple marigolds, terry forms are also cultivated, which also have medicinal properties.

Harvesting begins at the beginning of mass flowering, tearing off baskets with a horizontal arrangement of reed and partial opening of tubular flowers. A part of the peduncle up to 3 cm long may remain at the basket. Collection is carried out before frost as the baskets grow in 2-5 days. After 4-5 collections, the baskets grow smaller.

The raw materials are dried without delay in the shade under sheds, in attics, indoors, spreading in a thin loose layer on racks, burlap or tarpaulin and periodically turning over, also in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 45 °.

The end of drying is determined by the easy disintegration of the baskets.

The yield is 12-18 c/ha.

According to GF Art. 188, GOST 6717-63 raw material consists of whole flower baskets up to 5 cm in diameter with or without pedicels up to 3 cm. The color is yellowish-orange, the smell is slightly fragrant. The taste is salty-bitter.

In raw materials, no more than (percent) is allowed: baskets with pedicels from 3 to 5 cm – 7, decayed baskets – 20, baskets with brown flowers – 3, other parts of the plant – 3, organic impurities – 0.5, mineral impurities – 0, one. The content of extractive substances should be at least 35%, humidity should not exceed 14%.

Packed in plywood boxes lined with paper inside, 25 kg each or in 50 kg bales. Stored in dry, well-ventilated dark rooms in a packaged form on pallets or racks. Storage period 1 year.

The raw material contains carotene, lycopene, violoxanthin and other carotenoids, calendin bitterness, resinous substances, essential oil, triterpene saponins calendulosides, phytoncides.

Apply infusion, tincture and ointment as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal agent for diseases of the throat, nasopharynx, stomach, intestines, for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, burns. Included in the tablets “KN” and kaferid.