
(earlier: Liliaceae – Liliaceae).

Common name: table onion.

Parts Used: Bulbs.

Pharmacy name: onion bulbs – Allii cepae sulbus (formerly: Bulbus Allii cepae).

Botanical description. Perhaps you can save yourself from a detailed description of the onion, because it is grown in any garden, we will find it in vegetable stores and in any kitchen. Distinguish between summer and winter onions. The summer onion probably comes from Western Asia. The Romans brought it to Central “Europe, where it quickly took root. The winter onion, apparently, comes from the south of Siberia. Unlike the summer one, it is less afraid of frost, and it tastes softer. Many varieties originate from these 2 forms onions, differing in size, color and taste of the bulbs.

Active ingredients: alliin, allicin, polysulfides, propanethial oxide (a substance that makes you shed tears when you cut onions), vitamins; in onion peel – flavonoids.

Healing action and application. It is unfortunate that fresh onions are of little use in medicine. After all, by stimulating the secretion of the glands, it promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, has a diuretic effect, heals wounds, is an excellent prophylactic against influenza, runny nose, sore throat, and helps with coughing.

Application in folk medicine. The healing properties of onions, neglected by official medicine, are fully used in folk medicine in the form of traditional home remedies. Finely chopped onions are taken on a spoon several times every day; squeezed juice from fresh onions is added to milk; onion gruel is mixed with honey and this mixture is given to children with a cold; onion syrup is prepared, which is successfully used for colds, especially for coughs (even for whooping cough).

  • Onion syrup: mix a thinly sliced ​​onion with 3 tablespoons of sugar, add 1/8 liter of water and carefully boil it all for 3-5 minutes, let stand for several hours and then squeeze. The resulting syrup take 1-2 teaspoons 3-5 times every day.

Use in homeopathy. Homeopathic remedy Allium sulfur is prepared from fresh bulbs. They are mainly used in dilution D 1 -D6 when the ears hurt, with colds and allergic rhinitis, with acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, inflammation of the larynx, hoarseness, bronchitis and asthma, and senile bronchitis is especially worth mentioning. In addition, Allium sulfur is used for nerve injuries and for pain in the stumps of amputated limbs. They say that good results were obtained in the treatment of rheumatism. In all these diseases, especially with earache, it is worth recommending to alternate the intake of Allium cepa and Pulsatilla (a homeopathic remedy from sleep-grass).

Use as a condiment. Those who have so far refrained from using onions in cooking will hopefully change their attitude towards them. There is no condiment more beneficial to health (except, perhaps, garlic) than onions. In any form – whether raw, fried or boiled, chopped or chopped, added to sauces, roasts, salads or lard – onions are appropriate everywhere. If you have onions in your kitchen, not only will the food taste better, but your health will also be better.

Side effects. Some people who are especially sensitive to onions do not tolerate it in large quantities. Other troubles are not known.