
Parts used: fully developed inflorescences with parchment-like bracts (in folk medicine also leaves, sometimes bark); charcoal made from linden wood.

Pharmacy name: linden blossom – Tiliae flos (formerly: Flores Tiliae), linden leaf – Tiliae folium (formerly: Folia Tiliae), lime charcoal – Ligni Tiliae carbo pulveratus (formerly: Carbo Ligni Tiliae pulveratus), linden bark – Tiliae cortex ( formerly: Cortex Tiliae).

Botanical description. The linden tree is widely known, but not everyone knows that there are two types of linden: the heart-leaved linden has smaller leaves and more flowers in the inflorescence than the broad-leaved linden; it blooms two weeks later and is more common. In addition, the pubescence on the underside of the leaf, in the corners where the lateral veins depart, is reddish-yellow in the heart-leaved linden, and whitish in the broad-leaved linden.

Collection and preparation. Raw materials are harvested from both lindens; it includes inflorescences together with a parchment-like bract. It is very important to collect them on time – from the 1st to the 4th day of full flowering, because at this time they contain the greatest number of active substances. Linden blossom is dried in special ventilated dryers. Drying does not have to be long, and the temperature is too high: no more than 45 ° C. Linden blossom is a very capricious raw material. After drying and grinding, it should be stored in tightly sealed containers. The slightest increase in humidity during storage leads to the loss of aromatic odor and reduces the healing effect.

Active ingredients: essential oil, flavonoids, mucus, tannin and sugar. There are other components that determine the action of linden, but flavonoids and essential oil play a major role.

Healing action and application.At all times, the diaphoretic effect of linden tea in colds and febrile diseases was known, which made the course of treatment successful. The same area of ​​application is also recommended by the German National Health Service. Linden blossom tea activates the body’s defenses, under the influence of which colds accompanied by high fever are cured faster. This is especially true for children. So, in a children’s clinic in Chicago, doctors Treisman and Hardy set up a series of experiments, replacing treatment with sulfa products or antibiotics with treatment with aspirin with lime blossom. It has been found that children treated in this way recover without complications and faster than those treated with sulfa products and penicillin. Linden blossom is also a powerful prophylactic. The one who is chilled who walked for a long time with wet feet, who stayed hot in a draft, can definitely expect that the next day he will have a runny nose or a fever. If, having come home, he drinks a cup of hot linden tea, and after 3-4 hours – a second one, then he has a chance not to get sick. Linden tea looks appetizing, smells good and is especially tasty if it is sweetened with honey. Anyone who cannot get rid of bronchitis in any way should try linden blossom and coltsfoot tea in equal parts, prepared according to the same recipe as linden tea. If the course treatment with this tea is carried out regularly, the result is amazing. o Linden blossom tea: 2 teaspoons with a small top of lime blossom pour 1/4 liter of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes, strain and drink very hot. For prevention and in the form of homemade tea during a cold, 1 teaspoon of lime blossom per 1/4 liter of water is enough. In this case, tea should be drunk moderately warm.

My special advice. For colds and for preventive purposes, the following tested mixtures work especially well: Linden blossom 20.0 Rose hips 10.0 Dry blueberries 10.0 Chamomile inflorescences 10.0

Pour 1/4 liter of boiling water over one tablespoon with the top of the mixture, boil for 1 minute, strain and, if desired, sweeten with honey. Drink 2-3 cups every day.

Mallow flowers 15.0 Linden blossom 15.0 Peppermint leaf 10.0 Chamomile inflorescences 10.0

One tablespoon with the top of the mixture pour 1/4 liter of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink moderately warm. Sweeten to taste.

Use in homeopathy. The original tincture of Tilia, prepared from fresh linden flowers, is used for rheumatism, allergic rashes (urticaria) and allergic rhinitis, sometimes also as a remedy for excessive sweating. Homeopaths and herbalists, according to Dr. H. Wallnofer, widely use charcoal (in powder form) from linden wood. It relieves spasms in the large intestine. From a scientific point of view, this action is quite understandable. Under the supervision of a physician, they can be safely used.

Application in folk medicine. All that was said above can be attributed to traditional medicine. Linden leaves are sometimes used as a gastric remedy, and the bark, due to the mucous substances contained in it, is used to relieve convulsive pains in the digestive tract. An infusion of linden bark is used for compresses and rinses, although not often enough, because there are better remedies.

Side effects. There used to be an opinion that too frequent use of linden tea is bad for the heart. We only add that we are talking about permanent diaphoretic course treatments. Linden blossom activates and mobilizes the body’s defenses, regardless of its diaphoretic qualities, but those who are afraid that this may affect the functioning of their heart should abandon long-term courses.