Pulmonaria officinalis L.
The Boraginaceae family is Boraginaceae
What does it look like? A perennial herbaceous plant, 15-20 cm tall, with a creeping rhizome. The plant is rough. The basal leaves are heart-shaped-ovate, pointed, with a winged long petiole, the upper ones are sessile. The stem is straight, grows from the rhizome. Flowers on short stems in curls, gathered at the top of the stem in a shield. Corollas of flowers fall off, they are funnel-shaped, first red, then bluish-purple. Blooms in April-May.
Where does it grow? In thickets, among shrubs, in deciduous forests, in the extreme west of Ukraine. A plant similar to it is the dark honeysuckle (Pulmonaria obscura Dumort.), with flowers that are first red, then purple-violet. Widespread in all forest and forest-steppe areas, less often in the Steppe, in the Crimea – only in foothill and mountain forest areas.
What and when are collected? Leaves (both honeydews ), and even the whole plant, plucking it at the root, in June – July (leaves should not be crushed); roots are dug up in autumn.
When is it used? As an expectorant for asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, hemoptysis and other diseases accompanied by dry cough and hoarseness, as well as diarrhea and intestinal irritation (contains carotene, vitamin C, rutin, saponins, tannins, mucus, wound-healing allantoin, polyphenols, and from trace elements iron, copper, manganese, which stimulates growth, hematopoiesis, activates vitamin B 1 and regulates the activity of some glands of internal secretion, also contains vanadium, titanium, silver, nickel, strontium and silicic acid. , emollient (action of mucus), anti-inflammatory (action of tannins) and diuretic effect (action of saponins and silicic acid).
Used in the form of tea. For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of honeydew and infuse for 10 minutes. Tea sweetened with honey is drunk in the morning and in the evening, 1 cup each, in sips (recommended for children).
In case of diarrhea and cuts in the intestines, bleeding from the lungs and bloody urination, take 1 tablespoon of the herbs medunk , linseed and comfrey root, add 100 g of rosehip berries and make a decoction of 1 liter of boiling water in the evening and infuse until morning. In the morning, the swollen berries of rose hips are crushed, strained and drunk several times during the day. With reduced appetite and diarrhea in patients with tuberculosis, 1 tablespoon of a mixture of honeydew herb, horsetail herb, snake bitter rhizome, juniper cone berries and Icelandic moss in a ratio of 2 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 2.5 is infused for 2 hours in a glass of cold water , boil for 5 minutes and strain after 10 minutes. Drink in sips throughout the day. Instead of infusions, you can use teaspoons of exhaled raw juice mixed with honey.
A mixture of honeydew root , cultivated rose petals and chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon each), St. John’s wort (2 tablespoons) is boiled in 1.5 liters of water for 20 minutes (counting from the start of boiling), infused for half an hour, filtered and brewed twice with a hot decoction on the day of douching of the vagina in case of baldness in women.