Medunitsa officinalis – meduna lykarska (veterinary practice)

Botanical characteristic. Borage family. Perennial herbaceous plant with ascending rhizome and thin adventitious roots, up to 30 cm high. Stems erect, simple, covered with short, stiff, glandular hairs. The leaves are entire, short-hairy, sometimes with whitish spots. The flowers are of medium size, bisexual, collected at the tops of the stems in few-flowered curls. The corolla is red at first, then purple and finally blue.

Spreading. It occurs almost throughout the middle zone of the European part of the USSR, in Transcaucasia. It grows in shady deciduous forests and among shrubs.

Medicinal raw materials. Grass (aerial part) is harvested before flowers bloom and dried in the shade in the air.

Chemical composition. Tannins, mucus, carotene, ascorbic acid, rutin, all kinds of microelements were found in the grass.

Pharmacological properties and Application. The plant is known in folk veterinary medicine as an expectorant, emollient, diuretic, slightly astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent. To this end, galenic lungwort products are used for all kinds of diseases of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. To do this, 1 liter of infusion is prepared from 30-40 g of raw materials, which is very effective for diarrhea. Calves Approximate dose: 1/2 cup several times daily.