Name: Potentilla goose
> Rosaceae – Rosaceae.
Popular names: crow’s feet, convulsive grass, martin’s hand.
Parts Used: Above-ground part of the plant.
Pharmacy name: goose cinquefoil herb – Anserinae herba (formerly: Herba Anserinae).
Botanical description. From a perennial rhizome, a rosette of leaves and a creeping stem (over 1 m in length) develop, rooting at the nodes, with numerous leaves. The leaves are long, pinnate. The leaves have sharp serrated edges, bare on the upper side, silver-white pubescence on the lower side. Flowers appear most often in the axils of the leaves, where the creeping stem has taken root. They sit on relatively long peduncles and are bright yellow. Blooms from May to September. Potentilla goose is very common, prefers moist, clay soils and grows mainly in ditches, meadows, along roadsides, and also in wastelands.
Collection and preparation. During flowering, primarily pinnate leaves are collected, but creeping shoots with flowers can also be used along the way. Drying must take place thoroughly and quickly, at a temperature not exceeding 45 ° C.
active ingredients. Tannins, bitterness, flavonoids and another unexplored substance with an antispasmodic effect.
Healing action and application. It is difficult to correctly assess the effect of this medicinal plant. It is known as an effective gastric remedy for diarrhea with colic and is revered as an analgesic for menstruation. However, there is also evidence from medical practice that refutes this action. Exact scientific studies have not been carried out. I find this herb to be effective. Due to the relatively high content of tannins in goose cinquefoil, the German National Health Service indicates that it can be used for mild inflammation of the oral mucosa and throat (wash and rinse) and as an additional remedy in the treatment of acute non-specific diarrhea with mild spastic gastrointestinal phenomena in school-age children and adults.
- Potentilla goose tea: 2 teaspoons topped with grass pour 1/4 liter of boiling water. Let stand 10 minutes, strain. Take 2-3 cups every day; drink tea as hot as possible and in small sips, preferably unsweetened. If you first mix goose cinquefoil in equal amounts with peppermint and lemon balm, then the beneficial effect of tea is enhanced.
Use in homeopathy. A homeopathic remedy, Potentilla anserine, is prepared from a fresh flowering plant. It is interesting that homeopathy is very willing to use the original tincture, 3-4 drops of which every day is enough for complaints related to menstruation; you can take them prophylactically.
Application in folk medicine. Folk medicine uses goose cinquefoil tea for lower body cramps in women, calf spasms, menstrual ailments, and stomach ailments. Perhaps due to the fact that this herb grows everywhere, it is widely used in veterinary medicine. When ruminants have stomach diseases, they prepare a healing swill: pour one large handful of dried goose cinquefoil grass into 1 liter of water, heat to a boil, filter and let the animals drink this infusion lukewarm.
Side effects are unknown. But it can exacerbate existing stomach irritation.