Marenka Zapashna is a fragrant podmarennik

A perennial rhizome herbaceous plant with a characteristic coumarin smell. The stem is four-sided, 15-40 cm tall. The leaves of the marenka are sessile, arranged in a ring, 8 in a ring, with spines on the edges. The flowers are collected at the top of the stem in three semi-umbrella inflorescences, white or pinkish. They bloom in June-July. The fruit is dry, splits into two nuts. Marenka usually grows in dark coniferous, mixed and deciduous, moist and shady forests in the middle zone of Russia, as well as in the southern regions of Western and Eastern Siberia. On the territory of Ukraine, it grows in broad-leaved forests in Polissia, Roztochchi-Opilla, in the Carpathians and Crimean mountains, in the forest-steppe zone.

Marenka grass is used for medicinal purposes. The plant is harvested during budding and at the beginning of flowering. The aerial part is cut off and quickly dried under shelter in the open air or in well-ventilated rooms.

The grass of the plant contains coumarins, flavonoids, organic acids, vitamin C (50-87 mg%). It is used only in folk medicine.

Infusions of morning glory effectively affect the general metabolism, have a calming effect, regulate the work of the heart, stimulate urination and bile secretion, have antiseptic and wound-healing properties. Herbal infusions help well with various neuroses, insomnia, hysterical attacks and acute intestinal catarrh, eliminate edema, they are also prescribed for dropsy. Externally, the herb is used to treat wounds, ulcers, and various pustular rashes on the skin.

Leaves and stems of the plant in fresh and dry form are added to salads (in small quantities, as the plant has toxic properties), compotes, cakes. In some countries, wine is flavored with marenka infusion.

Herbal infusion. 2 tablespoons of raw materials per 400 ml of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour, filter. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of marenka products

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