
Small perennial plant. The leaves are collected within a rosette, spatulate or obovate, obtuse, with separate denticles in the anterior part. The colored basket is white, yellow in the middle, placed on the top of a thin, herbaceous, up to 15 cm tall, leafless pedicel; leaflets, basket wrappers, lanceolate, arranged in two rows; peripheral flowers are white, reed, pistillate, middle flowers are yellow, tubular, bisexual; the bottom of the basket is convex, the fruit is obovate, without a fly. Blooms in April-June.

Distributed among shrubs and in grassy places. Cultivated daisies have larger heads that are not often multicolored.

For medicinal purposes, baskets with leaves are used during flowering.

The raw material contains organic acids, bitter substance, essential oil, saponin, inulin, etc.

In folk medicine, daisy is used internally as an expectorant for bronchitis, liver diseases, jaundice, gout, rheumatism, externally – in the form of poultices and compresses from a decoction for bruises with bruising, furunculosis, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the mammary glands in lactating women (washing with decoction or compresses from crumpled leaves).


Inside, the herb of daisies is used as an infusion: 3 teaspoons of crushed raw materials are infused in 1/2 cup of water for 8 hours (dose for 1 day); externally – in the form of an infusion prepared from 6 teaspoons of raw materials.

In case of pulmonary tuberculosis, powder from daisies is mixed in equal doses with shells of 2 eggs crushed to a dusty state and drunk in the morning and evening with milk, one glass of wine mixture. Daisies tend to slightly weaken, therefore, when a liquid stool appears in tuberculosis patients, treatment with daisies is stopped.

In children’s practice among the people with tuberculosis of the spine or bones, rags with comfrey ointment with daisies and lemon balm leaves are applied to the sore spot. The ointment is prepared as follows: to 200 g of melted very hot unsalted lard, pour 20 g of daisy powder, 30 g of highly crushed comfrey root and 20 g of powder from lemon balm leaves and inflorescences. The mixture is hovered in the oven for a day, watching it not boil, filtered into a jar and tied with paper.

Daisies in a dose of 10 to 15 g are added to mixtures that treat diseases of the kidneys, pelvis and bladder.

The people collect only wild daisies, while digging up a whole plant during flowering.

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