Field poppy (self-sowing)

Papaver rhoeas L.

The poppy family is Papaveraceae


What does it look like? An annual herbaceous plant 30-90 cm tall, with a bristly flower-bearing stem and leaves. The leaves are dissected, with elongated sharp-toothed lobes. The flowers are large, their petals are bright red, usually with a large dark spot at the base. The fruit is a box in which, when ripe, holes are formed through which seeds are sown. Blooms in May-July.

Where does it grow? By roads, in winter crops, on poorly cultivated areas, littered places.

What is collected? June petals of flowers in May.

When is it used? Red poppy petals contain the alkaloid readin, mecocyanin, and mucilage. They are used as a pain reliever, for diseases of the respiratory tract, against cough. Milk decoction is used for measles (to cause a rash) and urinary myrrh diseases, as well as for dysentery and diarrhea in children, with honey – against increased sweating.

It is used as a decoction with water or milk. 10 and powdered poppy petals are boiled in 1 glass of water or milk. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day, and in case of insomnia, take 1 tablespoon half an hour before bedtime.

A decoction of honey is also used. Take 2 teaspoons of honey for 1 glass of water, boil for 5-10 minutes, add 2 teaspoons of powdered poppy petals and drink 1 teaspoon three times a day. The milky juice of plants contains poisonous alkaloids protopene and thebaine.