Wild poppy – self-seed poppy

In the pіvdennyh regions of Russia and Ukraine, on the fields of grain and on the roads of the meadows, the growth of the flooring is numerical, so that inkoli is not visible. A calm, fiery, restless sea. Wicked sight. Prote tse bur’yan, who gives the greatness of the present, as if he noticed the historical material. In the middle smoothie of Russia, the wild poppy can very rarely be sown in the fields, but in the gardens and in the cities of it, a lot of amateurs can be bred.

Poppy wild – herbaceous odnorichnik. The mustache is pubescent, the stem is straight, rosy, curls 30-80 cm. The flowers are large, 3-5 cm in diameter, regular, two-state, chotiripelyustkov, single, rosettes on the top of the stem. The pelyusts ring out brightly-red, as a rule, with a dark flame of the base, rarely erysipelas (albinosi). Plaid is a wide-elliptic box, sounding at the base at the bottom. The growth of wild poppy is not only in the fields and cities;

Previously, roslina was included in the venerable Pharmacopoeia, and today only folk healers, who want to get their hands on science medicine in 12 countries of the world. From the medicinal method, pick up the pellets and poppy heads (boxes). Seedlings are harvested in dry weather with open flowers and dried quickly at the tint, spreading them with a thin ball. The boxes ripen until their full ripening, after that, like a stink of a straw-yellow bark, sound – at the linden. Dry the selected heads in the shade in a warm, ventilated area, then dry them in dryers at a temperature not higher than 70 °C. Ready syrovina is taken from a dry place, protected from direct sleepy light, more often from jars from a dark warehouse.

Seedlings of rosemary can contain up to 0.05% alkaloids, vitamin C, anthocyanin pigments, mucus, pectin and resinous speech, saline and magnesium. Heads (boxes) contain alkaloids and essential fatty acids. Cicavo, which collected alkaloids from the wild poppy, it is less, lower from the wild poppy.

The herb preparations calm the nervous system, show mild pain relief, sleepiness, help to relieve, exhalation and envelop the diarrhoea. In addition, the stink of blood backs and sweats of power. Nastya pelyustok vikoristovuyut as an anti-cough cough in bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, as well as in case of sleeplessness and tachycardia, rejoice in him diarrhea (carrying) and dysentery. Dopomogaє nastіy in case of mimic sechovipkannі and pains in the empty stomach. Zovnіshnyo pelyusts zasosovat at looking like a powder like a bloodspinal zasіb, lotion from them vikoristo for rubbing dry skin and smoothing the wrinkle.

It is more often recommended to use it for acute coughs (especially in children), cerebrospinal pain, pain in the empty stomach and in irregular and miserable menstruation.

It has been experimentally proven that alcohol extracts, taken from wild poppy seeds, may have anti-swelling power. Clinically, these data were revised in Japan. In some countries (Japan, Egypt, Chile, Morocco), maca vicorist is used for oncological diseases of the organs of the empty stomach, as well as for sarcoma, condylomas and advanced forms of cancer.

Nastya pelyustok. 1 tablespoon of syrovin per 600 ml of okrop, boiled in a boiling water bath for 10 min., protidzhuyut. Take 1/4 bottle 4 times a day before eating.

Variety of heads (box). 1 teaspoon of syrovin per 500 ml of okrop, brew 10 min., protidzhuyut. Take 1/4 bottle 4 times a day before eating.

Overdose of wild poppy products is unacceptable!