Two-leaved lyubka – two-leaved lyubka (harvesting and storage)

Platanthera bifolia (L.) R i with h. The Ukrainian name is lyubka dvolista, popular names are boyak, starets smolyanny.


Orchid family – Orchidaceae.

For therapeutic purposes, dry tubers of love (salep) are used.

It occurs in Ukraine mainly in the Carpathians and Polissya, not often in the Forest-Steppe and very rarely in the Steppe (on the second, river terraces). Grows in forests, forest edges and clearings, wet meadows as single specimens or forms sparse small thickets. Preparations are possible in the Transcarpathian, Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kyiv regions.

Stocks of raw materials are almost non-existent. Annual harvesting can be carried out only simultaneously with the harvesting of orches – Orchis L., in the raw material of which Lyubka is an acceptable impurity. Species of the genus Lyubka are included in the Chervona Book of Ukraine.

Lyubka two-leaved is a perennial herbaceous plant with two elongated oval tubers (dying off – maternal and young – daughter) and a few thin roots. The stem is erect, 20-50 cm high, with an apical raceme of white, irregular, fragrant flowers. The lower two leaves (rarely 1-3) are elliptical, almost opposite, entire, arcuate, with a rounded apex, passing into a winged petiole. Stem leaves small, underdeveloped. The fruits are capsules with very small seeds. Blooms in June – July. The fruits ripen in August.

Harvesting of another species is also allowed – green-colored love Platanthera cklorantha Cust. Harvesting, drying, quality requirements FS U2-1047-76 raw materials, pack, storage and use are the same as raw orchid.