Flax is laxative – flax is laxative

(Linum catharticum); laxative flax


One- or two-year herbaceous plant of the flax family. Stems are simple or forked, thin, densely leafy, 5-30 cm tall. The leaves are opposite (only the upper ones — sometimes alternating) entire, sessile, with one vein; the lower ones are obovate, obtuse; the upper ones are elongated-lanceolate, rough on the edge. The flowers are small, regular, bisexual, 5-petalled, collected 15-60 at the tops of the stems in panicled inflorescences; petals 4-5 mm long, white, with a yellowish nail, longer than the calyx. The fruit is a 10-nest spherical box. Blooms in May – August.

Distribution . Laxative flax grows almost throughout the territory of Ukraine (except the Steppe) in wet meadows, among shrubs, in light forests, sometimes as a weed in fields.

Raw material . Herb (Herba Lini cathartici) collected during flowering of plants is used for medicinal purposes. Dry the grass in the shade outdoors or in a room with good ventilation.

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . The laxative flax herb contains the bitter substance of the lines (0.5%), linamarin glycoside, resinous substances (2%) and essential oil (0.15%).

Pharmacological properties and use . In folk medicine, laxative flax is known for its laxative and diuretic properties. Considering this, the infusion of the herb is used for constipation, dropsy, and kidney stone disease. It should be remembered that long-term, and especially excessive use of the products of this plant can cause poisoning.

Medicinal forms and applications . Internally – herbal infusion (2 teaspoons of raw material per 400 ml of boiling water) drink 2 cups a day in sips;