Lyon zvichayny – common flax

Flax crops during flowering resemble a restless lake in which the blue sky is reflected. Flax is one of the oldest crops used by man for fiber, medical, technical and fodder needs. In Egypt, Syria and Palestine, linen fabrics were made as early as the 5th-3rd millennium BC. e. The mummies of Egyptian pharaohs were wrapped in linen bandages soaked in fragrant oils. In Europe, the remains of linen fabrics found during excavations date back to the 3rd millennium BC. e., and flax seeds, parts of strands and prints of fabrics found during archaeological searches in the Vologda region belong to the II millennium BC. e. In the 23rd centuries AD e. flax came into use in Ancient Russia, and a little later Novgorod and Pskov became centers of flax cultivation and trade.

Wild cultivated flax is unknown. It is believed that it most likely comes from narrow-leaved flax (L. angustifolium), which was grown in the Mediterranean in ancient times. Perhaps this is a resistant hybrid of several types of perennial flax.

Modern cultured flax is divided into three groups: long flax, curly flax, and lyoi-roshen. All of them are annual plants, but they differ in size and purpose. If long flax is grown exclusively for obtaining fiber, and curly flax is grown as an oil plant, then roshenets flax is used in both cases. They occupy an intermediate position between oblong and curly.

What is flax from a botanical point of view? It is a herbaceous annual 70-130 cm (oblong flax) or 20-70 cm (curly flax) tall. Lon-Roshenets occupies an intermediate position between these two forms in terms of height. All groups or forms of flax belong to one species. The stem of the plant is straight, branched on top. The leaves are bare, oblong, pointed, entire, with three veins. The flowers are large, regular, 12-15 mm in diameter, often sky blue, rarely pinkish or whitish, the petals are slightly notched at the edges. Flax blooms in June-August. The fruit is a rounded box with five parts containing 10 seeds. The seeds are flat, shiny, brown, rarely light. It ripens by the end of September. Sometimes cultivated flax goes wild: it occurs in oat crops as a weed, as well as on the edges of fields, meadows, meadows and slopes (rarely).

Flax seeds and oil are used in scientific medicine, and the aerial part is used by folk healers, harvested during flowering. Flax seeds are sold in specialized pharmacies, their shelf life is 3 years.

The seeds of the plant contain mucilage (up to 12%), linamarin glycoside, fatty oil, which includes glycerides of fatty acids.

Flaxseed is one of the best mild laxatives. During swelling in the gastrointestinal tract, it irritates the intestinal mucosa and activates its peristalsis. In addition, flaxseed products have an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect due to the large amount of mucus. In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, digestive tract, urinary organs, peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum, food poisoning and constipation, they are prescribed to be taken internally. Linseed oil is recommended for internal use in spastic constipation, dysentery, urolithiasis and gallstone diseases, hemorrhoids, disorders of lipid (fat) metabolism, and atherosclerosis.

In folk medicine, the infusion of the above-ground part of the plant is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys and bladder as a diuretic. Fresh crushed leaves are applied to boils to accelerate their ripening. Flaxseed oil is used to stimulate wound healing, and to treat bruises, it is mixed with raw eggs.

The product linetol is produced from the oil for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Treatment is carried out in 4-5 courses with breaks of 2-3 weeks. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1-1.5 months. The drug is contraindicated in case of diarrhea and in case of increased pain in concomitant cholecystitis. Externally, linetol is also used to treat clogged areas.

A variety of fabrics are obtained from linen fiber – from canvas to batiste. The seeds of the plant contain up to 30-47% volatile fatty oil. Oil, varnishes and oil paints are made from it. Linseed oil is also indispensable in the production of linoleum (“linoleum” means “linseed oil”), artificial leather and soap. The cake after oil extraction is used as fodder for young cattle.

Infusion of dry grass. 1 tablespoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Seed slime. 1 part of whole seeds to 30 parts of boiling water. Shake for 15 minutes, filter and squeeze. Take 1/4 cup three times a day half an hour before meals. Prepare the product immediately before use (course of treatment — 2-3 weeks).

Fresh linseed oil. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Linetol. Take 1.5 tablespoons before or during a meal once a day.

A mixture of linseed oil and raw eggs (external). 1 cup of linseed oil, 4 raw eggs. Mix thoroughly. For the treatment of clogged areas and burns.