Lunariya reviving – perennial lunar

Bagatorіchna herbaceous growth of the motherland of the crossflowers. The stem is straight, upright or viskhidne, rounded, pubescent, 40-100 cm inflorescences. Leaves are black, petiolate, large, hylic heart-shaped, long-pointed, serrated, short-haired. The tickets are two-state, regular, 4-pelyustkov, zapashn, selected in corymbose whales; pelyustki violet, 15-20 mm planter. Fruits – svisl, zovsim flat elliptic, on the top, with the basis of the gostr, the pods of the plant are 30-90 mm and the tops are 15-35 mm; ours is great, dark red. Flowers in herbs – chervni.

Width. Lunaria reviving growth in the shady leafy forests in Transcarpathia, in the Carpathians, in the Carpathians, nearer to Roztochchi-Opillita in the Western Lisostep and even more rarely – in the Livoberezhny Lisostep. Cultivate yak decorative roslina.

Sirovina . For the preparation of likіv vikoristovuyut nasіnnya.

Roslina is unofficial.

The chemical warehouse has not yet been released.

Pharmacological power and victory . Nastіy nasіnnya lunarії reviving may sedative and diuretic power. Yogo is prescribed for epilepsy and spasmophilia, as well as sechoginal zasib.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya . Internally – nastіy (4 teaspoons of freshly prepared nasіnnya per 200 ml of okrop, infuse 20 khvilin, process) 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before eating;

children – 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day until noon.