Perennial bulbous bluish-green plant up to 60-120 cm tall. Adventitious roots, thin, fibrous. Stems erect, swollen at base. The leaves are tubular, hollow, swollen, all basal. The bulb is flattened-spherical, covered with scales, membranous, red-yellow, dry outside, white, fleshy inside. The flowers are white, three-membered, in rather large, simple, almost capitate umbels. Umbrellas are covered with bedspreads. The fruit is a box. Seeds black, angular. Blooms in July-August.
Bred in gardens and fields.
All plants with a characteristic bulbous taste and smell. The chemical composition of onions is complex. It contains compounds rich in sulfur, essential oils, traces of iodine, phytoncides and especially a lot of vitamin C.
Onions have a disinfecting effect and are used as a home remedy in the treatment of, for example, the flu. For this purpose, so-called onion swabs are used in folk medicine: they quickly rub the onion on a grater, put the grated mass into pieces of gauze about 3×3 cm, tie it up and put it in the nostrils for 15 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Onions can be used as an antiscorbutic, also in all other cases where vitamin C is needed.
The pharmacy has the product allilchep, which is an alcohol extract from onions, applied 15-20 drops 3 times every day for intestinal atony with a tendency to constipation, with atherosclerosis. Allilchep increases intestinal tone and secretion of digestive glands, improves heart function and general well-being.
Another onion product, allirglycer, is used in the treatment of trichomonas colpitis. Treatment is carried out only as directed by a doctor.
In folk medicine, onion juice mixed with honey is a good way to prevent (prevent) the development of an eyesore.
Onions baked in dough or boiled in milk are used as compresses for abscesses, boils, freshly grated onions are successfully used for injuries (bruises), wounds.
Corns and warts are removed with fresh onion juice or onions, previously boiled in table vinegar. Fresh juice heals wounds. People use it for hair growth. In this case, the juice is rubbed with fingers into the roots of the hair (1-2 times a week, 2-3 tablespoons). After lubrication, it is recommended to tie the head with a towel for 1-2 hours, and then wash it with soap, as usual. This is a good cosmetic product, as after washing the hair becomes soft, silky and acquires a beautiful shine.
Onions are used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face and to remove those that have already appeared. The recipe for an ointment for this purpose: onion juice, honey, white lily juice and white wax – 30 g each, all this is heated in earthenware over low heat and steam, mixed with a wooden stick until cool.
From cough and to improve expectoration of sputum, onions with honey, onions fried in butter or boiled in milk are used.
Onions are widely used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. For this purpose, a mixture of fresh juice with honey is often used in equal parts, which is taken in 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times every day. And with tonsillitis, suppurative processes in the lungs and tuberculosis, phytoncides are inhaled, using freshly prepared onion gruel for such inhalation. If the gruel stood in the air for 10-15 minutes, its healing power is significantly reduced, since the most powerful phytoncides disappear.
Onion gruel is used for itchy inflammation of the skin, to remove acne, freckles, birthmarks and warts. Milk gruel and baked onions accelerate the ripening of abscesses, alleviate the pain of hemorrhoidal bumps; frostbite and fresh burns are treated with onion gruel.
Fresh onion juice is used in the treatment of ulcers on the oral mucosa.
Freshly prepared onion gruel, applied through gauze, cleanses festering wounds and ulcers and promotes their healing.
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