Burdock mali – lesser burdock

Maliy burdock (Arctium minus); lesser burdock 

Dvorichna herbaceous roslina of the homeland of aistrovihs (folded flowers). Stem erect, roschepyrenogalusist, later-borozoic, pavutinous-pubescent, 50-125 cm apical. Leaves are ovate-heart-shaped, short-pointed, syropovsty. The flowers are double-sided, trumpet-shaped, lilac-purple, in tufted tails, which make the kitty-shaped swag, the upper bosoms are tight, sessile, otherwise – on short legs. Plid is a Simyanka. The color of the chervni is serpni.

Width . Growth on fox galyavins, fellings, bows, roads and watering throughout the territory of Ukraine.

Harvesting and saving. For the preparation of liquor, the roots (Radix Bardanae, synonym – R. Arctii lappae), more – leaves (Folia Arctii lappae) and fruits (Fructus Arctii lappae) are used. Roots are harvested from roslin, as they have not yet bloomed, miyut in cold water, clean in the outer part of the measles, cut into pieces of 10-15 cm of the plant, if necessary, sprout more breath and dry in the sun, in a warm place, like a good, try to get mountains. Piece drying is carried out at temperatures up to 50 °. Dry roots come out 26-28%. The leaves are picked after the flowers of the growth. It is sown in the form of stalks (the surplus of stalks is not to blame for 2 cm) and dried under cloaks in a fresh air, or in a place where it is good to ventilate. Dry leaves come out 12-13%. Lines of applicability of the root – 5 years, leaves – 1 river. The fruit is taken from sickle – faith.

Chemical warehouse . Burdock root revenges tannins of speech, mucus, flavonoids sitosterol and stigmasterol, ether (up to 0.17%) and fatty olії, inulin (up to 45%), organic acids (cavova, citric, malic), hydrolyzes into lactone arctigenin and glucose; leaves – flavonoids, anthocyanins, organic acids, ethereal oliya, tannins of speech, mucus, ascorbic acid (up to 350 mg%); fruits – arctic glycoside, sesquiterpene lacton and oily oil.

Pharmacological power and victory. Preparations of burdock root can be diuretic, zhovchoginn, disinfectant and sweating power; stinks stimulate the release of proteolytic enzymes and polypsyut the insulin-producing function of the substantia follicle, increase the amount of glycogen in the liver, actively add to the exchange of speech. Use the middle of the root of burdock to give in case of ailments of the exchange of speech (gout, rheumatism, nirkovi zhovchnі kamenі, tsukroviy diabetes); in case of sickness of the skins (suppuration and skin visips on the ground, scrofullosis, boils, scurvy, bumps); with gastritis and viral ailment, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, swelling, rickets and delayed menstruation. Burdock root powder is used in the treatment of gout. Burdock root to enter the warehouse of sweating teas. Nasty burdock leaf p’ yut with impaired func- tional function of the duct and with feverish camps, and infusion of fruits – with constipation. Widely zastosovuyut burdock and like zovnishnіy zasib. Nastіy root on Provence olії (Oleum Bardanae) vicorist under the name “rep’yakhova olіya” for the lure of circular or nest plіshivі (damage to the deliyanka to black), visciform lichen (I deprive the follicles), stretch 1 time in a day oblisinnya (carry out rubbing), to stimulate hair growth (deeply in the fat content of the skin and hair rubbing is carried out every other day or 1-2 times a day). With a tincture of the root on the mіtsnіy gorіltsі zamashchuyut tіlіnki tіla, urazhenі circular or nіzdovoi plіshivіstyu chervonimy vugram (scorched sebaceous furrows). Vіdvar root zastosovuyt for compresses in case of seborrhea (greater visibility of sebaceous deposits), and nasty leaves – for compresses with eczema, lichen, rashes and purulent wounds. In times of inflamed sebaceous ulcers and seborrhea, the therapeutic effect can be achieved by taking one-hour burdock root in the middle. Fresh burdock leaves are applied to wounds, hard puffs and gouty nodules. Fresh juice from the leaves rejoice wounds and cancer shkir. Fresher root of burdock vicorist in homeopathy. To stock likuvalno-prophylactic grub diet include salads from young leaves of burdock. Put the young leaves in borscht like vegetables, and the freshly cleaned leaves in the skin of the petiole of the leaves – in salads and vinaigrette. їstіvnim є th young burdock root. Yogo spozhivayut biscuits or pіdsmazhenim as a substitute for potatoes. Vykoristovuyut burdock root and kawi surrogate. For this yoga cut into small pieces, dry and smear in the oven.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya .

Internally – sip burdock root (10 g or 1 tablespoon of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) take warm water bottle 2-3 times a day (as a sweat sip take a bottle of water vodka);

infusion of burdock leaves (1 tablespoon of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop, infuse for 2-3 years), one tablespoon 4-6 times a day, 1 year after eating;

burdock root powder (Pulvis radicis Arctii lappae) 0.5 g 2-3 times a day;

infusion of burdock fruits (20 g of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop, infuse 20 khvilin) ​​1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day;

a tablespoon of sumish (equally) burdock root, spicy kvass, wild black pea leaves, infuse sprat for a year in 1 glass of cold boiled water, boil 5-7 khvilin and drink blood per day with 5-6 drops diabetes;

a tablespoon of the sum (polyvnu) of burdock root, rhizomes of piriya pozuchy, herbs of a series of tripartite, veronica likarskoy and tricolor violets boil 15 quilin in 200 ml of water and drink 3 times a day with a mixture of veronica veronica;

2 tablespoons sumish burdock root (50 g), tricolor violet herb (50 g) and steamed splendid (100 g) that leaf of hairy pea (50 g) boil 5 quilin in 500 ml of water, cool, cool and drink in a beer bottle 4 times a day to їdi with a purulent nature of the vugs and with inflamed sebaceous follicles (smear with the same variant at the same time);

lettuce: remember young burdock leaves to zanuryuyut 1-2 quills in okrіp, wiymayut, dry napkins on a towel, add green cibuli, dryly smell, salt, add grated chron and season with tops (for 150 g of burdock leaves, take 50 g of green cibuli, 30 g chron, 20 g tops and sil).

Zovnishnyo – real burdock root (1 teaspoon of syrovin per 400 ml of okrop, infuse for a long night, protidzhuyut) to live for lotions, compress it for ointment;

burdock root (20 g of syrovin per 500 ml of okrop, boil 15 khvilin, cool, treat) rub on the scalp in the evening through the skin for 2 days to stimulate hair growth (after the procedure, rinse the hair with clean water);

tincture of burdock root (prepared on the mint goriltsі at spivvіdnoshennі 1:10) vicorist for ointment;

phytocream (3 tablespoons of burdock root boil 15 quills in 300 ml of water, process, add 9 tablespoons of pork internal fat, put in the oven for 2-3 years;

after cooling the water that has been lost, anger) rub it daily at the scalp to stimulate hair growth;

infusion of burdock root on olive oil (40 g of fresh root per 100 g of Provence or sonyashnikova olive, insist 10 deb, cook 15 quills, squeeze and process) soak for rubbing and softening;

sumish root of burdock, flowers of medicine’s nagidok and cones of wild hops in spіvvіdnoshennі 2:1:1.5 cook like a vіdvar (45 g sumіshі per 1 liter of okrop) and zastosovat for the head mitt 2 times a day with falling hair and lupi;

sumish root of burdock, herb veresu zvechnaya, leaves of stinging nettle and cones of hops of savagery in spіvvіdnіnіnі 2:2:2:1 cook like a vіdvar (7 tablespoons of sumіshi per 1 liter of okrop) і vzhivayut for the head mitt 3 times a day with falling hair і lupi;

ointment (in the form of one tablespoon of burdock root on a glass of okrop, thicken the preparations to half and mix with top oil at a ratio of 1: 4 for the treatment of opium;

vіdvar sumіshi (pіvennu) burdock root and stinger dvodomnoї, herbs veresu zvichaynogo and bugna svіchaynogo, lingonberry leaves and rosemary spravzhny (500 g per 8-10 l of cold water, bring to a boil, insist 40-50 khvilin, protsezhuyut for) vicorist baths for rheumatism, arthritis, viraz, lichen and eczema (water temperature – 36-38 °, the duration of the procedure – 15-20 chills).

The method of treating old eczema using the method of O.P. Popova (1970). For cym, the method of mіstseve likuvannya is carried out at the same time with oral. Vseredinu take burdock root (15 g of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals. For a delicious lure, take 4-5 tablespoons of the root in a glass of water, boil and let it simmer to an average temperature. In this still warm window, they wet four times the folded prostration, the laces are like that, so that it was on the whole toulub from the groin to the tassels on the legs, they squeeze yoga, but not zovsіm and swidko and tightly wrap it around the ailing. Moreover, a part of the stretch is laid between the legs of the ailing one, so that the bare legs do not come one to one. Without giving the stretch to the wind, so wrap the sick need with a dry stretch, and then with a thin woven carpet. They stretched out and fastened the carpet with pins and made the sick for the second or two years in a lie. If you are asleep, then do not wake up and do not unravel, until you wake up until you wake up. It is recommended to stagnate in this way only once for extraction (less than for nothing) and after 6 days I need to break for extraction. You need to put a compressor on the doti, while on the floor, as it has already cleared up in the form of eczema, you won’t see a slight visip. After 1-2 days, this visip is known, and the jubilation can be completed. Trivality of rejoicing – 2-3 tyzhn. In this way rejoice and recurrent rheumatism You need to put a compressor on the doti, while on the floor, as it has already cleared up in the form of eczema, you won’t see a slight visip. After 1-2 days, this visip is known, and the jubilation can be completed. Trivality of rejoicing – 2-3 tyzhn. In this way rejoice and recurrent rheumatism You need to put a compressor on the doti, while on the floor, as it has already cleared up in the form of eczema, you won’t see a slight visip. After 1-2 days, this visip is known, and the jubilation can be completed. Trivality of rejoicing – 2-3 tyzhn. In this way rejoice and recurrent rheumatism

In folk medicine, moreover, the leaves of burdock are drunk like tea in case of evil puffs and liver ailments, in the form of boils, wounds, and warts.