It has a thinly furrowed straight stem, reaching 2 m in height. The leaves are bluish-green, pinnate, with furrowed, slightly pubescent petioles; leaflets in 2-4 pairs, large (up to 9 cm long), slightly heart-shaped in shape, traditionally entire along the edge. Flowers numerous, in folded corymbose inflorescences; sepals – four, milky white; no petals; a lot of stamens. The fruit consists of many seeds. Blooms in June-July.
It grows between shrubs, in forests and groves of the middle and southern strip of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus.
Clematis vine has a climbing stem with strongly protruding ribs. Leaves with long petioles wrapping around the supports, traditionally with two pairs of lobes and one terminal. The flowers are numerous, collected in a complex corymbose inflorescence. Leaflets within the flower bed on both sides are fluffy, yellowish, 8-12 mm long; sepals oblong obtuse, white. Blooms in June-July. Grows in forests and between shrubs in the Crimea and the Caucasus.
Both plants (their flowers and leaves) when rubbed have an extremely pungent odor and a burning taste, causing powerful lachrymation and salivation.
The flowers and leaves of the described clematis are used in folk medicine in the form of a decoction or infusion as a diuretic and diaphoretic, as well as a remedy for venereal diseases, bone tumors, headaches, scabies, etc.
In homeopathy, the herb is used in the form of an alcohol extract for malaria, eye inflammation, inflammatory processes of the bladder, malignant rashes and lichen.