Lominis straight – lomonos straight

Clematis recta); Lomonos straight


A perennial herbaceous plant of the family of sedum. The stem is straight, branched, ribbed, pubescent, 80-150 cm tall. The leaves are opposite, odd-pinnate, with 2-4 pairs of large (up to 9 cm long), ovate or lanceolate entire leaflets. The flowers are regular, bisexual, collected in apical panicle inflorescences; perianth simple, with 4—8 petal-like white, less often yellowish, falling leaves 8—12 mm long. The fruit consists of numerous achenes. Blooms in May – June.

Spread. The plant occurs in pine and mixed forests on the edges of forests, on shrubs in forest and forest-steppe areas, less often in the south.

Raw. For the manufacture of medicines, grass or leaves collected during the flowering of the plant are used.

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . Lominosa grass contains alkaloids, saponins, anemonin, clematitol, about 0.08% essential oil (in flowers).

Pharmacological properties and use . Pharmacological properties and indications for the appointment of lominos coincide with the indications for lominos of the vine. It should be noted, however, that some authors recommend using lominis vine only locally, citing the fact that the plant is very poisonous. This opinion is held, for example, by the Bulgarian phytotherapist P. K. Churolinov.

Medicinal forms and applications . Internally – herbal infusion (1 teaspoon of raw material per 500 ml of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour, cool, filter) a quarter of a glass 3 times a day.

Externally – an infusion of grass (prepared as in the previous recipe) or an infusion of leaves in oil (pounded leaves are mixed with oil and infused for 8 hours) for lubrication of the affected parts of the body; powder from dry leaves for the treatment of eczema, ringworm, scabies and other skin diseases.