Name: Loboda of the good Henry – Mary of the good Henry
Loboda of the good Henry (Chenopodium bonus-henricus); Mary of the good Henry
Bagatorіchna herbaceous with pink furrowed veil of the homeland of the Lobodovs. Stem of sprat, stench is simple or with short not bagatma needles, 15-60 cm curls. The lower and middle leaves are large, tricot-leaf-shaped, long-petiolate, whole-edged, slightly frizzy, or sharpened. The flowers are two-state, five-membered, lateral – three-chotyric, picked in a dense spike-hairy bunch, as if only below the leaves; leaflets oval in a narrowly pleated part, in the mountains, unevenly serrated, on the back without a keel. Plіd – one-sided pot with a thin plіvchasti oplodnik; the nasіnina is vertical, hanging from the flowers. Flowers in linden – sickle.
Width . Loboda of the good Henrikh trapleyaetsya on zabur’yanennykh mіstsyah, near gardens and towns near the western regions of Ukraine.
Sirovina. For the preparation of vicarious herbs (Herba Chenopodii boni henrici) and roots (Radix Chenopodii boni henrici).
Roslin is unofficial .
Chemical warehouse . Grass growth revenge saponin chenopodin, flavonoid kaempferol, phenolcarboxylic acids (kavova, ferulova). In the fruits there is ethereal oliya.
Pharmacological power and victory. Roslin has anti-inflammatory, pain-killing, anti-microbial, anti-parasitic and power-carrying powers. Internally, herbs vicorist as a carrier and anthelmintic zasib, mist – with fungal infections of the skin and inflamed eyes. Freshly trimmed grass is applied to wounds, and herbal poultices of vicory are like a pain relief remedy for gout and rheumatism. For the treatment of crusts, lishaїv, dermatitis and visipіv on the skin, hemorrhoids, just vicorist ointment, as if prepared with fresh herbs, or with її juice on pig lard or top oil. In case of illness, the skins of the vicorist grow and the root of the growth grows. In the literature, there is information about trying the exaltation of good and evil puffs with fresh juice of grass and a brew of roots, but there is no mention of the effectiveness of such exuberance.
Medical forms and zastosuvannya. Internally – infusion of herbs (1 tablespoon of syrovin per 300 ml of dill, infuse for 1 year), 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Zovnіshnyo – three tablespoons of fresh or dry herbs gag around gauze, zanyruyut in okrip, viymayut and applied to the sickness of the body (as a pain relief cure for gout and rheumatism);
infusion of herbs (3 teaspoons per 200 ml of dill, infuse 30 quills, treat, cool) for compresses with supra-world fat content of skin (Hypersteatosis cutis);
three teaspoons of sumish herbs lobodi, herbs tricolor violets, cones of wild hops, taken in equal measure, are poured into a bottle of okrop, infuse 30 khvilin, cool, cool and soak the infusions like in the front recipe;
a mask for a face mask in case of supra-world fat content of skins: infusion of lobody herbs (3 teaspoons per 200 ml of okrop) mix with powdered milk powder, starch or boar and oatmeal porridge, apply on skins, and after 15-20 quills wilt (this way you can induce more real sumish herbs of the good Henry’s lobodi, tricolor violets and cones of wild hops).