Linnaeus northern

(lumbar herb, forest tea)


Evergreen shrub with filamentous creeping branches 20-100 cm long. Wintering leaves, leathery, opposite, broadly ovate or rounded, 4-15 mm long, toothed in the upper part. The flowers are pink, drooping, arranged in pairs, on long petioles. Blooms in June-July.

Distributed in the forest zone of the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Far East. It grows in dark coniferous forests, in damp mossy places, etc.

Medicinal raw material is a herb.

In folk medicine, an infusion of herbs is drunk for nervous diseases, diseases of the stomach, back pain and “from aching hands and feet.” Poultices from the grass are used for pain in the back and joints.


Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and drink according to Art. spoon 3-4 times every day before meals.