Black cohosh

Ranunculaceae – Ranunculaceae.

Parts used: rhizome.

Pharmacy name: black cohosh rhizome – Cimicifugae rhi / oma (formerly: Rhizoma Cimicifugae).

Botanical description. Black cohosh grows in the forests of North America, where it reaches a height of 30-60 cm. It has double-pinnate leaves and flowers collected in brushes. Rhizomes 4-12 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide. rhinu, longitudinally furrowed, knotty, dark brown.

Collection and preparation. Raw materials are harvested in autumn. The rhizomes are dug up, quickly washed and dried. The material goes on sale packed in bales or bags. Pharmaceutical goods smell unpleasant, very bitter and pungent in taste.

Active ingredients: 15-20% cimicifugin (which should be understood as a mixture of resins and bitterness), glycosides, phytosterol, tannins, a certain amount of essential oil and a number of other substances.

Healing action and application. This plant is not used as a tea, but there are numerous ready-made products that contain the active ingredients of black cohosh and are prescribed for ailments associated with menopause or pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, and even asthma and rheumatism.

Use in homeopathy. The homeopathic remedy Cimicifuga is used mainly in women’s diseases: it has shown itself well in menstrual irregularities, painful conditions associated with pregnancy and menopause. Its scope also includes disorders of cardiac activity on a nervous basis, a state of depression during menopause, fear of space (agoraphobia), insomnia and migraine. There is no consensus on dosage. Almost all degrees of dilution of this agent between D 1 and D 1 0 are used.

Side effects are unknown. Overdose should be avoided.