Schizandra chinensis (T and g with z.) B a i l l _ The Ukrainian name is Schisandra chinensis.
Lemongrass family – Schizandraceae.
For medicinal purposes, fruits and seeds are used.
Distributed in natural conditions only in the Far East (Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, Amur Region), less often in Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. In Ukraine, it is grown by botanical gardens, experimental stations and numerous amateur gardeners everywhere. It is recommended for cultivation throughout the republic as a honey and medicinal plant, for decorative landscaping of rocky slopes. Reproduces vegetatively and by seeds.
Schisandra chinensis is a perennial woody vine 10-12 cm long, 1.5-2 cm in diameter. In old vines, the bark is wrinkled, dark brown, scaly, in young ones it is smooth, shiny, yellowish. Leaves elliptical or obovate, 5-10 long, 3-5 cm wide, pointed at the apex, cuneate at the base with indistinct teeth along the edges, glabrous, light green, shiny, alternately collected in bunches. Petioles 2-3 cm long, traditionally pink-red. The flowers are dioecious, monoecious, initially slightly pink, then white or cream, waxy, collected 2-5 at the base of one-year branches on thin drooping pink-red peduncles, bloom in late May-June. After flowering, the ovary grows and dissects. A racemose juicy polyberry appears from one flower, about 5-7 cm long, densely planted with bright red berries (from 2-3 to 30-40 pieces). The berries are irregularly round, oblong, almost spherical or pear-shaped, have a characteristic aroma and astringent sour taste. All parts of the plant, when rubbed, emit a lemon smell, which led to the name of the plant.
The berries ripen in September and are harvested before frost. Seeds (one at a time, rarely two per berry) are kidney-shaped with a glossy, dense shell. Fresh seeds are yellow or yellow-orange, during storage they become brown in color, bitter, with a peppery taste.
Ripe fruits are harvested (September-October), dried in the air, spreading a thin layer on burlap or tarpaulin, cleaned of impurities and dried in ovens or dryers at a temperature not exceeding 60 °.
According to GF-X Art. 294 raw materials must meet the following requirements: the taste of the fruit is bitter-sour with a tart aftertaste and a characteristic burning sensation in the mouth, the smell is weak, specific, strong, citric when rubbed. Humidity no more than 14%.
Not more than (percent) is allowed in raw materials: total ash – 4, ash insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid – 1.5, burnt and damaged fruits – 2, other parts of lemongrass (remnants of receptacle, twigs) – 1, organic impurities – 1, mineral impurities – 0.5.
Dry lemongrass fruits are packed in 50 kg fabric bags, stored in a well-ventilated area on pallets or racks.
For the preparation of powders and alcohol tinctures, lemongrass seeds are used. They are obtained by pressing and rubbing fresh fruits on sieves. After washing, dry in the open air or in a room with good ventilation, spreading a thin layer on burlap or tarpaulin and stirring occasionally.
According to GF-X Art. 604 lemongrass seeds must meet the following requirements: the taste of the seeds is bitter-burning, spicy, the smell
when rubbed, strong, reminiscent of the smell of lemon, humidity is not more than 12%.
Not more than (percent) is allowed in raw materials: total ash – 3, other parts of lemongrass (fruit pulp, leaves, twigs) – 3, damaged and crushed seeds – 5, mineral and organic impurities – 1.
Dry lemongrass seeds are packed in paper, unimpregnated, four-layer kraft bags of 20-25 kg. Store in a dry ventilated area.
Lemongrass fruits contain a large number of organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric, etc.), vitamin C, essential and fatty oils, and tannins. The seeds contain special tonic substances – schizandrins and schizandrol.
Preparations of Chinese magnolia vine have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, increase the protective properties of the body, weaken the feeling of fatigue, increase mental and physical performance, improve metabolic processes, stimulate breathing and blood circulation.
It is prescribed for overwork, drowsiness, decrease in work probability, during heavy physical exertion, to enhance vision.
Lemongrass fruit juice is used in the food industry.