Pseudo locust (white)

Tree up to 25 m high. Young shoots are angular. The bark is brownish-gray, deeply furrowed-fissured. Leaves with stipules in the form of spines, pinnate, with elliptical leaflets. Flowers on pubescent pedicels white or creamy-white, in drooping multi-flowered racemes, calyx densely reddish-pubescent. Pods are linear-oblong, flat, glabrous.

Widely cultivated as an ornamental plant. It occurs in various forms, including spherical.

The flowers contain glycoside and essential oil, the bark contains tannins and toxalbumin.

In folk medicine, a tincture of flowers is used for spasms in the gastrointestinal tract and as an astringent, a tincture of the bark of young branches – with increased acidity of gastric juice.


Tincture: 10 g of fresh flowers or 5 g of dried bark of young branches insist on 100 ml of vodka. Take 20-30 drops 3 times every day.

In addition to this species, bristly-hairy pseudoacacia (young branches without thorns, but with reddish bristles), lush pseudoacacia (pink flowers), pseudo-American pseudoacacia (pale pink flowers in drooping racemes) and sticky pseudoacacia (flowers with dark red glandular pubescent calyx and pink corolla; young shoots glandular-pubescent, sticky, with thorns).

Infusion: 1/2 teaspoon of crushed bark in 2 cups of boiling water (dose for 2 days, and if well tolerated for 1 day), it is better to drink hot infusion 1/2 cup 4 times every day.