bream volotista – kachim panicled

paniculata); kachim paniculata 

A perennial herb, with the appearance of a spherical bush, a plant of the carnation family, 40-100 cm tall. The stem is very branched from the base, bare or, more often, glandular-pubescent in the lower part. The leaves are opposite, sessile, with a wax coating; lower – elongated ovoid (early drying); stems – linear-lanceolate, pointed. The flowers are small, regular, bisexual, 5-petalled, on thin stems, collected in panicles; petals white, entire, twice as long as the calyx. The fruit is a box. Blooms in June – July.

Spread. Foxglove grows in Polissia, in the Forest Steppe, Steppe and in the Northern Crimea on sand and limestone slopes.

Raw material . Roots and grass are used for medicinal purposes.

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . The roots of the plant contain 2.5-2.9% of triterpene saponins (the main one is hypsoside), flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, kachimoside, orientin, homoorientin, adonivernit), sucrose galactosides (2.26%). The aerial part contains flavonoids, saponins, traces of alkaloids, phenolic acids (caffeic, 3-caffeylquinic, 4-caffeylquinic, etc.) and their derivatives, carbohydrates and ascorbic acid.

Pharmacological properties and use . Similar to the roots of the medicinal soapwort, the roots of the foxglove are used as an expectorant and as a substitute for soap. In addition, the roots of the plant have laxative and emetic properties. Infusion of the herb is used for liver diseases and as a laxative. Its antimicrobial properties have been experimentally proven. The plant is also used as an insecticide to kill flies. The roots of the plant are used as raw materials for the production of shaving powders, shampoos, etc. The toxic properties inherent in the plant force one to be careful when using products from it.