Potentilla erectus – perstach erectus (growing and cultivation)

finger) Ra tentilla erecta (L.) am re (P. tormentilla eesk) .



Synonyms: galangal, forest cinquefoil, uzik, ovary root, umbilical grass, diarrhea grass, centipede, hairs (Ukrainian zav’yaznik, cat paws, vyazil, ovary root, zav’yaznik).


Description . Perennial herbaceous plant of the rose family (Rosaceae), 1550 cm high, with a short horizontal rhizome bearing thin adventitious roots. Stem erect, branched above, covered with short hairs. Leaves trifoliate, sessile, with cuneate leaflets. Flowers golden yellow, axillary, solitary, on long stalks. The fruit is a lot – a seed of 512 achenes. Weight of 1000 achenes within 0.5 g. Blooms from May to autumn; seeds ripen from June to July.


Medicinal raw materials: rhizomes.


Distribution . It grows in the European part of the USSR, in the Caucasus, in the Urals, in Western Siberia, in Asia Minor, in Western Europe.


Habitat. Grows along edges, clearings, clearings, birch groves, on the outskirts of pine forests, peat bogs, upland meadows and pastures.


Composition of active substances. Potentilla rhizomes contain tannins (1430%), tormentol crystalline ester, quinic and ellagic acids, wax, gum, resins, starch, flabophenes.


Application. Decoctions and alcohol tinctures from Potentilla rhizomes, due to the large amount of tannins, are used as an astringent and hemostatic agent for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, with tonsillitis, bleeding gums, and also with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. As an external agent, cinquefoil products are used for burns, weeping eczema.


Decoctions, tinctures and ointments from the rhizomes of Potentilla are very popular in folk medicine. A decoction of Potentilla root (20 g per liter of water) is used to rinse the mouth with scurvy and the throat with sore throat. Cracks on the skin of the hands, feet and lips are treated with an ointment from the roots of the cinquefoil (5 g of finely chopped roots are boiled for 5 minutes in a glass of cow’s oil and filtered into a jar warm).


Potentilla root tea is drunk for diarrhea and dysentery (Nosal, 1959). As a spice, its rhizomes are also used in the fishing industry.


Collection. Rhizomes are harvested in autumn (August-October) or early spring (March-April).


They dig them out with shovels, in places of massive thickets it is possible to plow them out with plows without mouldboards.


Drying . Freshly dug rhizomes are dried in the open air, and subsequently dried in well-ventilated rooms, in attics, under an iron roof, where they are laid out in a thin layer and turned over from time to time, or in Dryers at 50


60 ° C. Dried rhizomes are passed through a screen to remove earth, sand and other impurities.


Pack . Packed in bales of 5075 kg.


Storage. Store in a well-ventilated, dry place on racks or storage boxes.


quality requirements. Dried raw materials should consist of curved or straight, cylindrical or rounded, hard, heavy rhizomes at least 2 cm long and 1 cm thick. The color is red-brown on the outside, and red-brown or red at the break, the smell is weak, the taste is strongly astringent. In accordance with GOST 671653 and the State Pharmacopoeia IX, the following is allowed in raw materials: moisture 14%; ash 5; rhizomes blackened in fracture5; rhizomes, poorly peeled from roots and aerial parts, 3; organic impurities 0.5; mineral 1%.