Laminaria sugary – laminaria tsukrista (veterinary practice)

Botanical characteristic. Family Laminaria. A large marine brown alga with a thallus consisting of a plate, stem and base. The plate is linear, lanceolate, 2–6 m long (sometimes 13 m), 10–35 cm wide, with a slightly asymmetric wedge-shaped base. The thallus is attached to the rocky ground by highly developed root-like formations – rhizoids. The trunk is 3-70 cm long and 1 cm in diameter, cylindrical. The life expectancy of laminaria is 2-4 years. Sporangia are formed from July to October.

Spreading. In the Soviet Union, it occurs in all northern and Far Eastern seas, where it forms extensive thickets on stones and rocks from the water’s edge to a depth of 25-35 m in places with constant water movement.

Medicinal raw materials. Only 2-year-old plates (thallus) of kelp are used – they are larger than annual ones and contain more dry matter. In the Sea of ​​Japan harvesting is carried out from June to September, off the coast of the Kuril Islands – until October 1. They are collected on the shore (fresh emissions) or mined from boats using a long pole, at the end of which there is a load and 2-4 rods 80-120 cm long. The pole is lowered into the thickets and turned several times, winding the thallus on the rods. In the same area, kelp should only be collected at intervals of 2 years. Japanese kelp, finger-dissected and other types are also used.

Chemical composition. Algae thallus contains carbohydrates (high-molecular polysaccharide laminarin, mannitol, 1-fructose), anginic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B12, D and C, various microelements, iodine and bromine salts, carotenoids, etc.

pharmacological properties. In the gastrointestinal tract, the polysaccharides that make up the algae swell strongly and increase in volume. This mass mechanically presses on the intestinal wall, irritates the mucosal receptors, which reflexively causes an increase in peristalsis and, as a result, a laxative effect. It has been experimentally shown that kelp delays the development of atherosclerosis in animals, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood serum, acts like heparin, preventing blood clotting. Iodine, which is part of seaweed, affects thyroid hormones.

Application. Seaweed is recommended as a mild laxative for chronic atonic constipation, acute and chronic enterocolitis, and for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is contraindicated in nephritis and diseases in which iodine compounds are not recommended. The industry produces in the form of a powder in boxes of 180 g.

Laminarid – Laminaridum. The total product obtained from seaweed. Powder of grayish-brown color. Released in the form of granules. 1 g of granules contains 0.2 g of laminarid. Store in a dry place.