
Deadly poisonous!

Loganiaceae – Loganiaceae.

Pharmacy name: curare (extract from the bark of South American plants of the genus Strychnos) – Curare.

Botanical description. Lianas or trees with clinging, hook-shaped outgrowths. Flowers five-membered.

Active ingredients: very toxic alkaloids that paralyze the activity of the heart, nerves and blood vessels.

Application. Previously used for tetanus and epilepsy.

Deadly poisonous!

Loganiaceae – Loganiaceae.

Pharmacy name: curare (extract from the bark of South American plants of the genus Strychnos) – Curare.

Botanical description. Lianas or trees with clinging, hook-shaped outgrowths. Flowers five-membered.

Active ingredients: very toxic alkaloids that paralyze the activity of the heart, nerves and blood vessels.

Application. Previously used for tetanus and epilepsy.