White lily – white lily

candidum); white lily


Perennial bulbous plant of the lily family. The stem is erect, simple, leafy, 60-120 cm tall. Alternate leaves, lanceolate, wavy; upper ones are lanceolate, sharp. The flowers are regular, bisexual, large, white, fragrant, upward or obliquely directed, collected in a short tassel. The fruit is a box. Blooms in June – July.

Spread. Comes from the Mediterranean. It is grown in gardens and flower gardens as an ornamental plant.

Raw. Bulbs, leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purposes.

The plant is unofficial .

The chemical composition has not yet been studied.

Pharmacological properties and use. In folk medicine, the plant is used as a diuretic and pain reliever. Alcohol tincture of bulbs is used for dropsy, and also as an expectorant for diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by stagnation of a large amount of sputum. Alcohol tincture of flowers is used as a tonic, rubbed with it for rheumatism and sciatica, and lubricates wounds. Externally crushed bulbs are applied to the places where the inflammatory process is taking place to relieve inflammatory edema, and flowers boiled in milk are applied to abscesses. White lily oil is used for rubbing against pain and spasms, treating burns and wounds. Water distilled with lily flowers is used for cosmetic purposes to whiten the face. To remove swallows, an ointment is used, for the preparation of which they take a decoction of flowers, honey and mustard flour (equally).

Medicinal forms and applications .

Externally – ointment for the treatment of wounds and burns: pour 5 flowers of white lily with sunflower or other vegetable oil so that they are completely covered with liquid, insist for 10 days;

ointment for rubbing against pain and spasms: 6 tablespoons of chopped leaves, flowers and bulbs (taken equally) are poured with two-thirds of a glass of sunflower oil and infused for 3 weeks in the sun.