Kupina bagatokvitkova – bought multicolored

Kupina bagatokvitkova (Polygonatum multiflorum); bought multiflora


Bagatorichna herbaceous growth of the motherland of the lilies. Maє potovshchene m’yasiste rhizome. Stem naked, rounded, 30-70 cm whorls, leafy, drooping. Leaves are black, arranged in 2 rows, wrapped in one side, dowgast or elliptical, dull, naked, sessile or short-petiolate, animal green, blue – grayish green, 8-12 cm zavdovka, 3-7 cm zadovshki. The cards are two-state, correct, white, 3-5 leaves in the axils; quotes gol. Plid is a bluish-black berry. Flowers in herbs – chervni.

Width. Growth in deciduous, more similar – in mixed forests in chagar forests throughout Ukraine.

Sirovina. Vykoristovuyut fresh, more dry rhizomes, like harvesting snails or autumn.

Roslina is unofficial.

Chemical warehouse . Rhizomes are alkaloids, saponins, mucous membranes of speech, starch, zukri thinly.

Pharmacological power and victory . As a remedy for rhizomes, they are used in the middle for cough, acute bronchitis and inflamed leg, dropsy, cirrhosis, diabetes, with static absence of disease and as anthelmintic disease. Efficiency of dії Buy a bagatokvіtkovoї with diabetes bulgarian vchenі put pіd sumnіv. In Tibetan medicine, the rhizomes of Kupina rich-flowered vicarious are used in cases of mucosal-intestinal ailments (obviously, they have a significant amount of mucous membranes).

Zovnіshnyo vіdvar rhizomes of vicorist as an analgesic zasib with lumbago, radiculitis, rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids and zasіb, which spriyaє rozmoktuvanny syntsіv. As a painkiller zasіb vicorist and tincture of rhizomes. With the help of rhizomes, one can wash the face for a change in sunburn, and with fresh juice one can bring on the face the patches and stoneflies (there can be more rubbing on the veils!).

Medical forms and zastosuvannya .

Internally – a mixture of roots (15 g of syrovin per 400 ml of okrop or milk) drink 1 teaspoon per day in equal small portions;

root stock (20 g of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Zovnishnyo – brewing roots (40-50 g of syrovin per 500 ml of okrop) for lotions and vmivan;

tincture (1 part rhizomes to 2 parts alcohol) for grinding.

Roslin is crazy!