Corn zvichayna – common corn

Corn zvichayna (Zea mays); maїs; common corn


An annual monoecious herbaceous plant of the grass family. The stem is straight, with well-defined nodes and internodes filled with loose parenchymal tissue, height from 50 cm to 7 m. Leaves are alternate, broadly lanceolate, with a wavy edge. The flowers are unisexual, collected in separate inflorescences, which differ significantly in their appearance: stamens — in a spreading panicle at the top of the stem, pistils — in axillary thick cobs (ears), wrapped in leaf-like sheaths, from which numerous long thread-like columns protrude. The fruit is a grain. Blooms in July – September.

Distribution . Comes from Central and South America. It is grown throughout Ukraine as one of the most important grain and silage crops.

Procurement and storage . For the manufacture of medicines, columns with receptacles, which are usually called corn receptacles (Stigmata Maydis), are used. Preparation of receptacles is carried out during the period of milky-waxy maturity of the buds. Dry on open areas or in a well-ventilated room, spread out in a thin (1-2 cm thick) layer on a cloth or paper. Artificial drying is carried out at a temperature of 40°. 22-25% of dry raw material is obtained. The shelf life is 3 years. Store in a dry place (the raw material is very hygroscopic!). Pharmacies release raw materials.

Chemical composition . Corn cobs contain saponins (up to 3.18%), tannins, bitter glycosides (up to 1.5%), flavonoids, alkaloids (up to 0.5%), ether (up to 0.12%) and fat (up to 2 5%) oil, sterols (stigmasterol, sitosterol), vitamin K, (1600 biological units per 1 g), ascorbic and pantothenic acids, inositol alcohol, trace elements and other substances.

Pharmacological properties and use. Preparations made from corn cobs have choleretic, diuretic, hemostatic and hypoglycemic properties. They increase secretion and improve the flow of bile, change its physical and chemical properties (viscosity, specific gravity, amount of bilirubin decrease). The hemostatic effect of corn is based on its ability to accelerate the process of blood clotting due to the effect on the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver and an increase in the number of platelets. As a choleretic agent, products from corn cobs are indicated for gallstone disease, hepatitis, cholecystitis and cholangitis, as a hemostatic agent – for hemorrhagic diatheses and uterine bleeding of various origins. In addition, products from corn cobs give good results in the treatment of cystitis, kidney stone disease, edema associated with heart failure, and obesity. Corn decoctions are part of choleretic teas and diuretic teas. Corn oil is used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension. When nausea and diarrhea appear, the use of corn oil is temporarily (for 7-10 days) stopped, and then resumed, but the dose is halved. Corn boiled in cobs and flavored with butter is useful for constipation, liver diseases, gout, nephritis, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Corn flour is used to remove comedones (Comedones faciei). To do this, 2 tablespoons of flour are mixed with pre-whipped protein (one chicken egg is enough) and the resulting mixture is applied to the face; after drying, remove from the face with a dry cotton towel, wash the face with cold water and dry.

Medicinal forms and applications .

Internally – a decoction of corn cobs (10 g, or 3 tablespoons of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water) for a quarter of a glass every 3-4 hours before meals;

liquid corn cob extract (Extractum Stigmatis maydis luidum) is prepared in 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:1 and drunk 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals;

corn oil is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 3 weeks, after which they take a break for 3-4 weeks (3-4 courses of treatment are carried out in a year).