Crosswort broad-leaved



Perennial plant with a thick horizontal rhizome and thin roots extending from it. The stem is thin and therefore unstable, indirect, it has rare large leaves, triangular below, heart-shaped at the base, and angular-triangular above. The stem reaches a height of 150 cm. The flowers are yellow, tubular, collected in an inflorescence – a basket – in thick brushes at the top of the stem.

The fruits are cylindrical achenes with ribs. Blooms in August.

It grows in the Caucasus in shady and wooded gorges. For medicinal purposes, the root of the plant, harvested in the fall, is used. Dry the root in dryers.

The broad-leaved ragwort is cultivated; platifilin is obtained from it, which has an analgesic and sedative effect during spasms.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the root is used for acute gastric and intestinal spasms, convulsive constipation, exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the colon (colic), renal and hepatic colic, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), bronchial asthma, convulsive conditions, angina pectoris (attacks of sharp pain behind the sternum with angina pectoris), and other inflammations, paralysis.

The tincture from the root of this plant at 70 ° alcohol has the same properties. Take tincture of 30-40 drops 1 time every day, with persistent pain – 3 times every day.

The above product platifillin, also ragwort tincture, have better medicinal properties than atropine, because they do not cause palpitations and dry mouth. As an analgesic, platifilin is used for spasms, especially in the gastrointestinal tract.

In such cases, the people use the tincture of this godson.


Condensed decoction: 20 g per 200 ml; 40 drops in a glass of water no more than 3 times every day.

Tincture: 25%; 30-40 drops in a glass of water no more than 3 times a day.

Platifilin in powder form: 0.005 g no more than 2-3 times every day.