Rhomboleaf ragwort – zhovtozilla rhomboliste (growing and cultivation)

Name: Rhomboleaf ragwort – zhovtozilla rhomboliste (cultivation and cultivation)

Rhomboid ragwort (zhovtozilla rhomboliste) Senecio rhombifolius S with і with h. Senecio platyphyllus (Bi eb.) .



Synonym: broad-leaved ragwort.


Description. Perennial herbaceous plant from the Compositae family. The rhizome is well developed, creeping, thick, hollow inside, thin burrs extend downward from it. The stems are erect, glabrous, 11.5 m high. The lower basal leaves are very large, reniform-heart-shaped, long-petiolate; stem leaves are triangular-reniform-heart-shaped with narrow-winged petioles; upper lanceolate or ovate, sessile.


Inflorescences are cylindrical baskets, consisting of yellow, tubular flowers, collected in dense corymbs. Fruit-brown naked achene. Weight of 1000 seeds within 23 g. Blooms in July-August; fruits ripen in August September. The plant is poisonous.


Medicinal raw materials : rhizome with roots and grass.


biological features . The rhomboid ragwort is resistant to small frosts up to 5 °. It is also tolerant of shading conditions. It grows well on loose, highly fertile soils. With vegetative propagation by rhizomes, already in the second year it gives ready-to-eat raw materials, while with seed propagation, growth is much slower and ready-made raw materials in this case appear only in the third year.


Habitat. It grows mainly along the edges of mountain forests, in meadows, clearings, clearings, among shrubs and subalpine tall grasses on loose highly fertile soils, which are released from deep snow only in late spring.


Spreading. It occurs mainly in the highlands of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus at an altitude of 1200-2400 m above sea level.


Composition of active substances. The ragwort contains the alkaloids platifillin, senecifillin, sarracin, and others (only within 1%). Platifillin in roots and rhizomes up to 0.35%, and in leaves up to 0.2%.


Application. The alkaloids obtained from the ragwort are widely used in medicine. So, platifillin in the form of tartrate salt is used in the treatment of many diseases. Platifillin is distinguished by atropine-like action (it anesthetizes and depresses smooth muscles) and at the same time is less toxic than atropine. Lowering the excitability of the vasoconstrictor center, it thereby reduces the overall blood pressure. Platifillin is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, and spasms of the blood vessels of the brain; in eye practice as a means of dilating the pupil.


Platifillin is produced in powders and ampoules (1 ml of a 0.2% solution), which are prescribed by a doctor.


Collection. Harvest the godson in September. The plant is dug up with shovels: on large areas with a plow, with a subsequent selection by hand.


Drying. After one-, two-day wilting, they are dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.


Pack. After drying, the finished raw materials are packed in boxes or bags.


Storage. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area.


quality requirements. According to GOST, the length of the rhizomes must be 18 cm, thickness 0.31 cm; root length 2 15 cm, thickness 0.10.2 cm. The color of the roots is grayish-brown outside. Allowed: moisture 13%; stems and leaves of ragwort 2; organic impurities 1, mineral 3%. The content of alkaloids is not less than 1%.


According to MRTU 295662, grass and stems (or parts of stems) with leaves, inflorescences, basal leaves or parts thereof must have a moisture content of not more than 14%; blackened leaves 10; organic impurities 2, mineral 1%; platyfillin base not less than 0.2%.