Sowing coriander – sowing coriander (harvesting and storage)

Coriandrum sativum L. Ukrainian name – coriander seed; common name – bug. 

Umbelliferae family – Apiaceae (umbelliferae).

The fruits are used for medicinal purposes.

It grows wild in Southern Europe and Asia Minor. In Ukraine, it is cultivated in specialized state farms and collective farms in the forest-steppe and steppe regions, in the southern regions and in the Crimea, occasionally it runs wild.

Coriander is an annual plant 20-70 cm tall with a thin tap root. Stems erect, round, glabrous, branched. Basal leaves are long-petiolate, entire, three-lobed; lower stem -petiolate, double-pinnate with ovate deeply incised lobes; middle and upper sessile, vaginal 2-3 pinnately dissected into linear entire lobes.

The flowers are collected in complex umbrellas of 3-6 rays, at the ends of which are placed smaller umbrellas containing 5-13 flowers. Umbrella wrappers and umbrella wrappers are missing. The flowers are small, unequal, the marginal flowers are larger towards the outside. Calyx unequally toothed, corolla whitish-pink, five-lobed. Stamens 5, ovary 2-celled with two columns. The whole plant has an unpleasant smell of bed bugs.

The fruits are fused spherical, up to 5 mm in diameter, with a residual calyx at the apex, a supraspinal disc and two columns. On the convex side there are longitudinal ribs (5 sinuous and 5 straight).

Blooms in June – July. The fruits ripen in August – September.

Harvesting is similar to harvesting anise fruits.

The yield is 8-18 to 20 c/ha.

According to the Global Fund – IX Art. 214, OST NKVT 7365/340 raw materials consist of spherical fruits (not often split) 2-5 mm in diameter. Color yellowish white. The smell is strong, fragrant. The taste is spicy. Humidity – not higher than 13%.

Not more than (percent) is allowed in raw materials: with external defects and unripe fruits – 3, split fruits – 10, fragrant fruits of other plants – 1, stem parts of coriander and unscented fruits of other plants – 1, mineral impurities passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter in 1 mm, – no more than 1.

Total ash content – no more than 7, the content of essential oil should be at least 0.5%.

The standard provides for the quality of raw materials of I, II, III classes.

Packed in bags of 40-50 kg. It is stored in the group of essential oil raw materials in dry, well-ventilated rooms packed on racks or undercarriages. The storage period is 4 years, with a recheck after 2 years.

The fruits contain up to 1.2% essential oil, the main component of which is linalool (up to 80%), pinene, alcohols (cymol, borneol, geraniol, etc.).

Apply fruits, powder, infusion as a secretion-enhancing agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Included in the laxative, choleretic, anti-hemorrhoid fees.

It is used for aromatization in the food, perfumery, alcoholic beverage and brewing industries.

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