Coriander seed – coriander seed

(Coriandrum sativum); cilantro, bagel, trojan; Celery family (Ariaceae), or Umbrella family (Umbelliferae); Coriander is sown 

Lovers of “Borodino” bread know that the aroma is given by coriander seeds. The celery family is famous for its spicy representatives. Many plants of this family have been used by man since ancient times: dill, cumin, anise, parsnip… And there’s also coriander. Coriander is probably one of the oldest spices. There are references to him in the Old Testament and Sanskrit sources. Coriander comes from the eastern Mediterranean, and it is grown in many countries: in gardens and plantations as an essential oil, medicinal and spicy plant.

Coriander is a herbaceous annual 50-120 cm tall, with an upright, branching stem at the top. The lower leaves are petiolate, pinnately dissected, the upper ones are twice pinnately dissected. The flowers are white-pink, small, collected in complex umbrellas. The plant blooms in June-July.

Coriander is cut as the seeds ripen, tied into bunches, dried in the air in the shade and threshed.

The seeds contain essential oil – the main active substance of the plant, vitamin C, sugars, starch, pectin and other substances.

In medicine, an infusion of coriander seeds is used, which exhibits antispasmodic, antiseptic and pain-relieving properties. This product improves digestion (stimulates appetite and increases the secretion of digestive tract glands). The infusion stimulates the secretion of bile, relieves pain in gastric and duodenal ulcers, helps with flatulence. As an antiseptic, it promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers. The soothing (sedative) properties of the plant have long been used in folk medicine — the same infusion is used for hysteria and increased nervous excitability.

To improve the taste and smell of medicinal products, ground coriander powder is often added to them.

The spicy greens of the plant, better known as cilantro, are a very good seasoning for meat, fish and bean dishes, and the essential oil obtained from the seeds is used in perfumery and liquor-vodka production. The seeds are used in baking (“Borodino”, “spicy” bread) and confectionery.

Coriander flowers release a lot of nectar and attract bees. Up to 2.5 thousand working insects can be counted on 100 m 2 of a flowering massif of a plant. In addition to collecting nectar, bees provide pollination and, accordingly, seed production. During the flowering of coriander, the weight of the hive increases daily by 3.5-5 kg, and from 1 hectare of thickets, bees collect up to 300-500 kg of light honey with a specific taste and aroma.

Seed infusion. 1 tablespoon of crushed seeds per 400 ml of boiling water. Insist for 1 hour, filter. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.