Quassia bitter, or simaruba tree

Simarubaceae – Simaroubaceae.

Pharmacy name: Simaruba root bark – Simarubae cortex radicis (formerly: Cortex Simarubae radicis).

Botanical description. Evergreen tree with pinnate leaves. Small white or reddish flowers are collected in dense panicles. It grows in the north of South America, in the Antilles.

Active ingredients: tannins, bitterness, alkaloids, resins.

Application. As a tanning medicinal raw material, it has a fixing effect, especially in amoebic dysentery. It is also used as an appetizing bitter.

Simarubaceae – Simaroubaceae.

Pharmacy name: Simaruba root bark – Simarubae cortex radicis (formerly: Cortex Simarubae radicis).

Botanical description. Evergreen tree with pinnate leaves. Small white or reddish flowers are collected in dense panicles. It grows in the north of South America, in the Antilles.

Active ingredients: tannins, bitterness, alkaloids, resins.

Application. As a tanning medicinal raw material, it has a fixing effect, especially in amoebic dysentery. It is also used as an appetizing bitter.