creeping clover

Perennial creeping plant with branched shoots rooting at the nodes; leaves trifoliate, glabrous, with obovate thin leaflets; flowers in capitate inflorescences, looser than those of mountain clover; corolla white or pinkish, turning brown after flowering, calyx glabrous; the fruit is a bean with 3-4 seeds. Blooms all summer.

It is found everywhere in meadows, wastelands, forest glades, near housing, etc.

The grass contains tannins, xanthine, vitamin A, alkaloids, vitamin E, carotene.

In folk medicine, the tops of flowering branches are used along with flowers. The brewed herb is drunk as tea for female diseases, also for uterine bleeding; make baths for articular and other tumors, for rheumatism, epilepsy; decoction (1:10) drink for cough.


Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass in a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour. Take 1/4 cup 20 minutes before meals.