Evergreen cypress – evergreen cypress

(Cupressus sempervirens); cypress evergreen


A monoecious evergreen gymnosperm tree plant of the cypress family, with a pyramidal or spreading crown, up to 30 m tall. The leaves are scaly, cross-paired, dark or light green, sometimes with a bluish tint (needle-shaped on young specimens). Microstrobils (male cones) are small, elongated, with 2-6 microsporangia on the underside of the scales, single, at the ends of the shoots. Female cones are large (up to 3 cm long), almost spherical, flattened at the base, gray or grayish-brown, shiny, woody, mature in the second year, consist of 4-6 pairs of shield-shaped multifaceted scales with an obligatory spine.

Distribution . The homeland of the evergreen cypress is Northern Iran, Asia Minor, the islands of the Aegean Sea, Crete and Cyprus. In the Crimea, it is grown as an ornamental plant.

Raw. Fully mature cones are used for medicinal purposes.

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . Evergreen cypress contains 0.2-0.5% essential oil, the main components of which are a-pinene (22-55%), y-3-carene (12-32%), lemon (3-5%), terpinolene ( 1.5-6%), B-pinene (1.5-5%) and camphene (0.5-4%).

Pharmacological properties and use. In the green areas of Crimea, evergreen cypress performs aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic functions, enriches the air with biologically active substances. Volatile phytoncides of cypress disinfect the air from harmful microorganisms (by 40-56%), especially from the causative agents of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, have a positive therapeutic effect on patients with chronic non-specific lung diseases. Aromatherapy is successfully complemented by elements of reflex esthetic therapy due to the beauty of the plants themselves, the unusual shape of the leaves and the range of colors, which have a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous systems. The combination of high decorative qualities with the antimicrobial activity of volatile secretions makes this plant an integral part of the greenery of the famous seaside health resorts of Crimea.

Medicinal forms and applications . Externally – take a third of a bucket of pine cones, add water to the top, boil for 15-20 minutes, cool to a temperature of 30-40° and use for local baths for gout (the procedure ends when the temperature of the decoction becomes room temperature).