Dogwood male (common)

Shrub or tree with brownish-green branches, covered with elliptical and entire, opposite leaves, which have 3-5 arcuate lateral veins and do not have stipules. The flowers are yellow, are found before the leaves, form small umbellate inflorescences; flower arrangement is correct. The cup is barely noticeable, consists of 4 cloves; petals and stamens 4 each; column 1. The fruit – a drupe – is oblong, red, at first astringent in taste, and then sweet and sour. Blooms in early spring.

Distributed among shrubs and light forests, especially on dry rubble slopes.

The fruits are used for medicinal purposes. They contain pectins, vitamin C, rutin and tenins.


The fruits are used in folk medicine for gastric hemorrhages and diarrhea in the form of tea: 5-10 g of dried fruits per glass of boiling water, with diarrhea – 1 glass every day; with gastric hemorrhages – 1 glass 3 times every day.

Dogwood is useful for patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer with low acidity, especially infused for 5-6 hours in the form of tea, 1 glass per day. day.