Kermek gmelina – Kermek gmelina (veterinary practice)

limonium gmelini i (willd.) kuntze


Popular names: lemon yellowseed, meadow kermek, tumbleweed, salt marsh.

Botanical characteristic. 2010-10-27 The flowers are sessile, blue-violet or white, form a wide corymbose-paniculate inflorescence. Blooms in July-September.

The distribution is wide in the south of the European part of the USSR, in Siberia, Kazakhstan, in the flat regions of Central Asia. Grows in river valleys, saline meadows, saline soils, often forming extensive thickets.

Medicinal raw materials. Harvest the roots of the plant. They are dug with shovels at the end of summer and autumn (from August “to October), thoroughly shaken off the soil, cleaned of the remnants of leaves and small roots, and dried in any way possible.

Chemical composition. The roots contain 17 – 18% tannins, gallic and ellagic acids, in the grass – a small amount of alkaloids and myricitrin glycoside.

Pharmacological properties and Application. A decoction of the roots is used as a good astringent for gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea. After taking a decoction or powder of the root, dyspeptic symptoms disappear and diarrhea stops. The fixing effect of the plant has also been confirmed experimentally. A decoction of the roots of the plant also has hemostatic properties, it is prescribed for uterine bleeding.