Kermek Gmelina – Kermek Gmelin

Bagatorichna herbaceous goal roslin homeland Kermekov. The stem is rosy, round, 20-60 cm inflorescence. Leaves are elliptic or ovate, all in basal rosettes. Flowers are small, correct, two-state, with 5-pellet purple-blue veins, in short and slit spikes, which make the corymbose-pyramidal succulence a little razor-sharp. Plіd – one-sided non-revealing. Flowers in linden – sickle.

Width. Growth near the Livoberezhny Lisostep, in Stepu and on the Crimean pivnochi on salt marshes and salted onions.

Sirovina. Vykoristovuyut roots, picked in autumn or early in spring.

Roslin is unofficial .

Chemical warehouse . Roots of tanning speech (9-19%), gallic and elagoic acid and barvniki, show phytoncidal activity.

Pharmacological power and victory . Roslin may be in the “stringing bloodspins” of power. When the roots of Kermek Gmelin are taken in, ailments on the stomach of the mucosal-intestinal ailment appear dyspeptic manifestations, succumb to it, increase appetite. In folk medicine, Kermek Gmelin is vicarious in case of catarrh of the saccharum with increased acidity, with drooping saccharum, dysentery, and carry-overs, as well as blood-spinal disease.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya . Internally – brewing roots (20-40 g of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) in a third bottle 3-4 times a day;

tincture from 100 g of the roots of Kermek Gmelin and 100 g of St. John’s wort per 15 liters of burner, drink 1-2 tablespoons for 1-2 tablespoons for 1-2 tablespoons.