Kachim panicled – lischitsya volista (harvesting and storage)

Gypsophila paniculata L.


The clove family is Caryophyllaceae.

The roots are used for medicinal purposes.

It is found throughout Ukraine, except for the Carpathians. A common plant in the Steppe and Forest-Steppe, smaller than it in Polissya, Grows on dry slopes of beams and river valleys, more often in their upper parts, on dry riverine sands, sometimes on dry forest edges and clearings, roadsides. Usually forms groups, rarely small thickets.

Stocks of raw materials are quite large (several tons of roots can be harvested annually), but they are gradually decreasing due to intensive grazing on the slopes and subsequent afforestation.

Kachim paniculata is a perennial herbaceous plant with a vertical rhizome, turning into long, taproots. The stem is one (or several), branched from the base, forms an almost spherical bush 40-100 cm high. The leaves are sessile, with a wax coating, the lower ones are oblong-lanceolate (dry early), stem ones are linear-lanceolate. The flowers are small, on thin peduncles, with a white five-petaled corolla, collected in a paniculate inflorescence. The fruits are quadruple, obovate capsules with a few kidney-shaped seeds. Blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in August – September.

The roots are harvested after seeding (August-September). They dig with shovels, shake off the ground, cut off the above-ground parts and quickly wash them in cold water. Large roots are cut across into pieces 10-20 cm long and along. If necessary, they are cleaned of bark.

The raw materials are dried in attics under an iron roof, under sheds with good ventilation, or in dryers at a temperature of 50-60°C, laying them out in a thin layer (3-5 cm) on paper, cloth or sieves and stirring frequently.

According to OST 4303, the raw material consists of light, peeled or not peeled from the outer bark, whole or cut along pieces of roots 10–20 cm long and 1–3 cm thick. Unpeeled roots are brownish-yellow on the outside, peeled are yellowish-white. There is no smell. The taste is bitter, with a slimy feeling.

Raw materials are packed in bales of 50 or 100 kg. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas on racks or storage boxes.

Roots (Radix Saponariae albae) contain saponins – within 5.5%. Used as an expectorant, laxative and emetic. It is also used in the food industry for the manufacture of foamy drinks.