Kasatik apravidny

A perennial rather tall (up to 1 m) herbaceous plant with a thick, longish, branched, slightly segmented rhizome. Leaves broadly linear-xiphoid, up to 2 cm wide, with thin oblong veins and prominent midrib; the lower leaves are almost equal in length to the stem. The flowers are large, 5 cm long or more, on long thick pedicels emerging from the axils of the upper vaginal leaves, collected 3-5 in bunches at the ends of the branches. Flower wrapper of membranous leaves; within the flower corolla of 6 light yellow leaves with an orange spot and purple veins; The 3 inner leaflets are much smaller than the 3 outer ones. The fruit is a large, trihedral box (oblong), at the top with a short nose; seeds shiny, compressed. Blooms in May-June.

It grows in swamps, swampy meadows, on the banks of rivers and lakes. For medicinal purposes, the rhizome is used, which is part of the collection of M. N. Zdrenko, which is used as a symptomatic remedy in the treatment of bladder papillomatosis and anacid gastritis.